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Everything posted by Booche

  1. This thread has Train Wreck written all over it. I could use an Eggo waffle right about now.
  2. All the best. As for the temporary imbalance, try pounding some scotch in you and hit some Train Wreck. Sometimes it has a way of being able to even things out especially if you are listening to Jerry.
  3. Aside from the weak sauce humour (it would probably be far more hilarious as part of a stand up bit), Joe Rogen showed them the exact stereotype they didnt want Phelps to be portraying.
  4. What about the other goalie? Is he back to normal yet?
  5. Hey Mr Big Time, or Mr Finance, whichever you prefer. Salary cap. Thank you. Come again.
  6. Glass houses Mr Big Time. Glass houses.
  7. Getting back to your original point, I am in complete agreement in that I think this move could be setting up another one. And please dont suspect said move to be Halak + Obyrne + 1st to Chicago for Huet.
  8. Let me repeat this for the 10 thousandth time. Kovalev is NOT getting traded unless the Habs spiral out of control and know for sure they will be out of the playoffs. The return for him will be very little and the 'potential' loss far too high. Youfucking study business. Its a simple concept. Then again, I have seen your arguements with the Sloth lately...........
  9. Matthieu Schneider is back with Les Brahs. The details havent been announced but I am willing to bet Gainey overpaid.
  10. Aaaaaaaaaah, look at the cute little kid who cant grow a moustache.
  11. Carbo would have made the worst decision of his coaching career if he didnt start Jaro.
  12. Booche

    Sleeve Facing

    Cut yer finger nails hippie.
  13. That was terrifying. Thank the Gods.
  14. Roller's 'future superstar' and golden boy is at it again: The frustration of a winless road trip through Florida boiled over at practice on Friday as Toronto Maple Leafs rookie Mikhail Grabovski and veteran Jason Blake were involved in an on-ice skirmish.
  15. Or is it more pathetic to automatically credit the woman suing him?
  16. Booche

    Fill in the blanks

    This thread title should be changed to 'Fuck Great Big Sea' Seriously. Fuck that annoying shit.
  17. TissueMan told me it was dirty, you say there was no intent. Going with Godfrey on this one because I have read enough of your posts MrBigTime to have an opinion on your opinions.
  18. Booche

    Fill in the blanks

    The prophet speaks! Awesome.
  19. Booche

    Fill in the blanks

    This is a great thread Low Roller. I hope people play with it and I hope they dont force me to scroll back up........cut'n'paste you lazy hippiecunts. (Sorry, I am talking to New Rider as usual) You dont get Pink Floyd? WTF is wrong with you? God, I hate loving you so much.
  20. Booche

    Fill in the blanks

    1- Although hearing of them, I have never really listened to any Genesis aside from the limited Genesis I have listened to. 2- Sure, The Black Crowes are kinda famous in a grave stone kinda way but I just don't get it. 3- I don't care what anybody says, Ray Charles is awesome. 4- The Beatles redefined music for me. Who didnt it? 5- fuÇk Nirvana....aside from Unplugged, of course. That's some killer shit but it aint got nothin' on Ray Charles you mutherfuggers.
  21. I screamed like the Habs had won a game when that happened. I immediately phoned Ollie.
  22. I love being 10:15 drunk and listening to Ray.
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