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Everything posted by Booche

  1. 2nd period Intermission: Vermette's dive--> pass block in his own end was easily the best stick-defensive play I have seen all year. There may be better out there but that was incredible. That boy is playing some good hockey. So is Foligno.
  2. Exactly. Slewfooting is facking dirty and should get harsher suspensions for professionals because they know how dangerous it is. Assuming that is the suspension we are talking about of course. I didnt see it but TissueMan mentioned Pleks quickly in an email earlier today involving a moment in the game and I was pissed off because I facking hate that stuff. You can break serious bones pulling a punk move like that. Ever been slewfooted LowRoller? Or at full speed for that matter? You can have the best balance but all of a sudden you are parrallel to the ice and heading straight for the boards.
  3. Booche


    The prophet speaks! Awesome.
  4. NW, you just made Douglas howl. She's been quoting that since we started dating. Accent and all.
  5. Like I said, the second set is killer. Hope you enjoy it like I remember it.
  6. Freeks avatar just made my day but is it ever a hog!
  7. 10-11-83 Cant recall the Day Job but that is a killer show from what I remember. Keep in mind I probably havent heard it in 16 years on cassette! A speaker explodes during the second set and as the crew is about to change it Bobby says "That little speaker just barked its heart out." or something. Wicked 2nd set. 10-22-83 is also a killer first set but I have never been a fan of that song. I am positive Hux would agree on this call, 11-01-85.
  8. Booche


    Slip forum please.
  9. I know someone who is going to be pissed.
  10. I can smell the irony from here.
  11. [color:purple]Oh, that one stings Mike Bouchard. I cant be bothered with you. ::waves hand in Ollie's face, walks away from his ineptitude::
  12. Coming from the guy who reads HFBoards? No wonder you are embarrassed in this life.
  13. Yes. It was 1979 and my mom bought it for me. Dont even try going there loser.
  14. I cant wait to get home. Have I got a picture for you, provided it doesnt take too long to find it.
  15. I'll play the role of Isiah Thomas here: "If he was black, he would just be another good player." I did love Favre's version of smashmouth football though and no one can question his heart when it comes to the game. And he had a rocket for an arm.
  16. Fair enough. I guess my main problem is that I always felt Brett Favre was overhyped (not that I wouldnt have wanted him on the Raiders for those GB years) and his last few years seemed to bring that home. I mean, his career numbers are all there but something has tasted bad for a long while. The nature of the NFL.
  17. Pffffffffft. Tell the truth. That place is called The Blue Oyster and it aint no motel. As for the original question, I had a ball tourney one summer and Sneaky Pete came to it. We each bought a two-four wanting to finally get through one on our own. Cracked the first beer just before 7am. Pete got through his and I am sure I got through mine (search your feelings Barrett, you know it to be true). I had to give a few away during the day because some people didnt bring enough but more than made up for it at the bar once the tourney was done. We thought we were going to keep partying when we got back to Kingston but I think we passed out on the bus on the way home and ruined our chances of staying up well into the night. Oh to be half the age I am now.
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