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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Hahahaha, we were laughing about that last night as well AD. The signature portion anyways.
  2. Booche

    Roll Call

    Just taped a piece of paper onto your computer monitor with the following message: CAN YOU HELP PUT ME TO BED? TANKS A LOT. 1 - me
  3. Ep 3 and Hurt Feelings both slay from Season 2. Big fan = me.
  4. WTF is wrong with Price and what do you do to make it right? His positioning has been terrible lately, highlighted by Jason Blake's second goal. That dude pretty much hit the middle of the net on that shot! Woof. Fix it Rollie.
  5. And speaking of which, what is the deal with Komisaurus this season especially since he has come back from injury?
  6. The BGL signing is really starting to look like a fuckingjoke on Les Brahs.
  7. "Today, I’ve learnt that the girl I love thinks I’m gay. To be honest, I’m having doubts too. FML"
  8. I took my dog out for a pee while I was really wasted and he made me fall in the snow. Boofuckinghoofuckmylife.com
  9. Hahahahahhaa, great one Greg.
  10. No they havent, at least not from my original position. The Sens still suck and their fanbase is riddled with fairweather fans.
  11. I think Sloth just gave me crabs.
  12. You realize you are talking about the NHL, right? Where you have teams like Florida who give out free tickets to first-time goers? Show up with your drivers license and if you aint in their system BAM! You get in.
  13. If I have the brain of a bird you must have the brain of a worm.
  14. Happy bday. It was a pleasure meeting you in Ottawa.
  15. Call me crazy but this could be the move the Rangers need, especially if Avery comes back with a clear head.
  16. Remember all that attendance talk and you guys getting up in arms with me for speaking the truth? What was it you guys said, something about the Sens werent selling out some of those early games because they were against lesser opponents? Last nights attendance (17,297) was the second lowest of the season for the Sens at home against the top team in the league and a divisional rival. So much for that Make Shit Up forum or whatever it was you guys said. Way to go champs!
  17. If they end up with a top 5 pick, just hope they do better than the Raiders have been doing in those spots. I cant believe I have to pluralize that.
  18. In the race for Tavares or Hedman? Pfft. 0 points is where it's at.
  19. Do you represent the union or are you a member of the union?
  20. For giving up the tying goal with under 5 minutes to play because of a double minor? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. If that is what you need pal.
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