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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Fuckollie if he is reading this thread and hasnt caught up. Its his own damn fault.
  2. That was easily the best episode of the year amongst a ton of crappy 30 minute episodes. And AD, I loved it too especially when said cat came crashing down!
  3. Whothefuck in their right mind is going to want to trade for this guy?
  4. We'ld have to get Youtube to video it.
  5. Ok then 'ersh, hire me as your bodyguard. Buy my booze for the night and we'll call it even.
  6. Red Cross woman: Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of one hundred beats per minute. Michael Scott: Ohhhkay that's, uh, hard to keep track. How many is that per hour? Jim Halpert: How's that going to help you? Michael Scott: I'll divide and then count to it.
  7. That would be really tough for the lighting directors.
  8. Oh man, I would love to see Spazza get traded to the Laughs. The media would have a field day tearing him to shreds!
  9. Greeeeeeeeeeat, now Jaimoe is going to think he is Basher.
  10. Yes yes yes yes yes. Start some drunkenshit with Nickelblech (great name sis). At the very least, bring me and I will. Idespisethosecunts.
  11. Possibly Gerrards? He's out for three weeks, probably from the dive he took in the Chelsea match.
  12. What doesnt add up Ollie? Seems like it is math in its simplest form.
  13. Well then, maybe Jaimoe was onto something after all.
  14. Well he cant be all that good because for the most part this season has been total shite.
  15. I would never say that myself because I understand how quickly turn arounds can happen in the cap-era of the NHL. Just ask Pittsburgh and the Flyers.
  16. Totally Dinghy. That may have been the best intro yet! And Bouche, that whole scene was hilarious. Michael Scott: [big sigh] The city... Dwight. We are not mad. We are just disappointed. David Wallace: No we are mad. Michael Scott: Yes. We are. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide. David Wallace: No, we're not! Michael Scott: I am not a mind reader, David.
  17. He should have ended with "Stay classy Ottawa".
  18. My memory is short...did Hal ask whether the Sens fired Muckler just after going to the Finals in Rich Stadium rather than researching it himself? I still cant get over the fact that Hal asked if the Sens fired Muckler just after going to the Stanley Cup Finals. (That's what happened, innit?)
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