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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Guillaume Latendresse will be out of the lineup for 4-6 weeks. That's probably a good thing. I still dont have any clue why the media is seemingly so high on this guy, strictly based on his play.
  2. Whoa hoa hoa hoa hoa. Humdinger there Dinghy. Humdinger. I'm impressed.
  3. Maybe they should have said "Bryan Murray is a complete fuckwad" instead. Pfft. Obviously.
  4. They should have shown more respect to Hartsburgh and shuttheirfucking mouths. In my view they are in no position (aside from 28th) to be giving opinions on this matter.
  5. Well, you are. I'm am talking about asshole players saying shit they shouldnt have said.
  6. All you need to do is employ some common sense, pay attention to the details and you might just understand the game some day Champ!
  7. Hahahaa. Oh man, I was having fun! Nothing like playing well and winning.
  8. You need to have the right personel to play that style, specifically a solid D for the inevitable counter-attack when the forecheck fails not to mention the right forwards who can skate as well as willing to give/take a hit, and I would bet Hartsburgh knew he didnt have it. Much more than you or I and the rest of the flubbers on the Sens squad anyways. If I am Bryan Murray, those whiney sonsofbitches who called out their former coach would be the first to go. A scratch for the Kings doesnt mean a scratch for the Sens, not by a long shot.
  9. Great showing by Les Brahs last night in a game that was obviously needed to be played in order to keep the peace amongst Hab fans. Carbo's strategy to have the D screaming in from the point to try and maintain pucks in the offensive zone during the first period? Awesome.
  10. I didnt know you could write a song about wanting to slit a girl's throat and it be considered a love song.
  11. In response to AD's post, I had no idea so many Terrell Owens played hockey. What a bunch of coach-killing-coddledcunts! Positive reinforcement? Please. A coach is supposed to point out mistakes no matter if you lose 7 - nothing or win by the same amount. That's how you learn. I fuckingwell hope Hartsburgh hangs some of these selfish pricks out for the rest of the league to see. Maybe a GM will think twice about grabbing one of them. He probably wont if he wants another crack in the NHL but I sure hope he knocks on that door a little bit. They had a problem with his stubborness? I can just imagine what he went through.
  12. The timing on this firing couldnt have been better. I am working on some stupid project that is pissing me off so it was great to come in here all day.
  13. I never suggested the Sens would make the playoffs let alone win the Stanley Cup. I thought we just did!
  14. Looks to me like someones already experiencing the 2 day sketchy hangover.
  15. Add Heater, Spazza and Alfie. Hmmmmmm. I wonder why that is? To fix something you have to start somewhere and its pretty obvious where Murray has instilled his core, so........... Dont make shit up. This debate may save someone's life man!
  16. I've never been and even I agree with him. Well put.
  18. Looking To Hook Up forum please. Edit to add: SchweatySchwa changed his response so my reply no longer fits.
  19. Are you implying that Leaf fans havent been getting fackedupthearse for a number of years now?
  20. That is fantastic. It seems everytime I look at it someone new pops up.
  21. Whaddya know? There it is again Dinghy.
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