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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Theo, football doesnt allow its players to carry a weapon. Biiiiiiiiiiiiig difference.
  2. Now THAT's psychology! I'm on Velvet's side with this one. ::figuratively pukes::
  3. Whatever the WNBA does is what the NHL should do. I think the next step we are going to see is the pre-conceived fight getting more penalized even though I have no idea where they can begin with that one. In the case of the kid who had the seizure, keep in mind that these two blokes went at it on the puck drop to start the game. There's absolutely no need for that crap. As long as there isnt a knee-jerk reaction right now or that fighting isnt completely abolished until all avenues are exhausted, I will figure the NHL is doing their job at finding a solution because once it is out of the game for good it aint coming back. That much I believe.
  4. Word is coming out that Ryan O'Byrne was arrested again for stealing a purse at a Tampa night club.
  5. Many garbage goals. That was ugly to watch. Vinny played the game I expected.
  6. I bet I know what Spicoli thinks of Schwa and Ollie.
  7. MattyC and Maggie brought pulled pork last year. I totally forgot until he recently reminded me. Damn the booze! We had waaaaaaaay too much food. That much I recall.
  8. Ollie just asked me if I knew your phone number.
  9. Like I said, it was really bad radio from this morning.
  10. Steve Warne "crunched" some numbers, intimating the Sens would have to get to 94pts in order to have a hope. That means they would have to go 27-10-1 the rest of the way. Stuntman Stu got uber-excited thinking they would do it. It was really bad radio.
  11. $20 says if DaveyBoy went with Esau he would get trapped in the hole. ::that's what she said::
  12. Gord Wilson was on the Team this morning and predicted the Sens would make the playoffs but he premised it by saying they would need to "score goals, stay injury-free and play 60 minutes of hockey every game." Cliche'd to the max. It doesnt get any worse than that phanners.
  13. Those be some stellar math skills you've got there Schwa!
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