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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Joe Namath drunker. "I want to kiss you."
  2. I thought you said they werent working? Seems like they are working to me.
  3. Booche


    The only way to catch a doper is when you yourself become a smoker. The surest way to make them bleed is when you bust their ass and steal their weed.
  4. Booche

    The sickness

    I forgot about the gargling. Sorry Ctowns, I almost led you astray.
  5. Badams, we were guessing how many beers you had. DaveyBoy figured 18ish.
  6. The last time I spoke with Badams, he was complaining how dull the crowd was at SBP and preferred watching the Habs game on the tele provided in the KROCK box. I am still waiting to find out if he made it into work.
  7. Booche

    The sickness

    If you feel it coming on, I recommend 4 beers and 5 glasses of scotch tonight. Ask DaveyBoy. We perfected the potion back in the mid-90's. Drink that shit away!
  8. Stop focusing on youth and fashion C-towns.
  9. Booche

    Tour Shirts

    Estimated Profit to open the tour. (I stole that joke)
  10. That's awesome news because I love love love Murray's character. Leggy leggy leggy leggy blonde........
  11. One man spares what another man schwills.
  12. Ctowns, singing and talking are two different beasts.
  13. Yeah, the best I have in here is video but no audio.
  14. Booche


    I love you Schwa.
  15. "the US has sent their B-team and seem disinterested in general" Good for them.
  16. Wooks were around long before the jambands label.
  17. Happy bday buddy. Have fun studying tonight! Maybe, juuuuuuust maybe we will see you again some day.
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