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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Ooooooooooooh, brilliant moves. I get it. Like the needless slashing penalty that led to MTL's first goal of the game. I guess brilliance is in the eye of the beholder.
  2. Just like the one he made at center ice which allowed Lang to go in on the short-handed breakaway?
  3. AD, 2 points is 2 points. The divingcunt.
  4. Carey certainly has questionable taste in music, as does Mike 'What has Jesus done for you lately' Fisher, but at least he didnt paint something from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Christ's sake!
  5. I think it is pretty telling that Brian Elliott has a painting of a kid's cartoon character who carries a golf bag on his back.
  6. I had to cancel last week. Douglas had to work at 4am.
  7. Fisher aint got nothing on Mad Max.
  8. I thought Komisaurus was severely injured during the Heatley goal whilst trying to hit Spazz. I still havent seen that goal! Everytime I saw a highlight, I ended up watching Komi.
  9. I would have said that Fish lost his finger-banging finger but he roofed the tying one after taking a serious shot off his right hand. Some might say he roofied it.
  10. Wish list? Chucky to return to the Raiders. He's the perfect coach available to help Russell. I would also like to see a top run-OL get drafted. As for Sundays predictions, I am going with Arizona because I think they peaked at the right time while I still aint no Philly believer and PITT to take the other side.
  11. Bank on me being drunkenlyhigh/solo when I watch this.....most dont get it: "Why does he play the guitar like that?" "Because he is left-handed Fucknuts." "Why does it sound so different?" "Because it aint you Fucknuts."
  12. Ottawa folks will see a great gig at The Black Sheep if they go. I swear.
  13. So, who else watched the RDS feed? The replay of the Begin-Tootoo fight was wicked. I saw the fight live but........what did I miss? Chipchura (I think that who was centering at the time) was staring at the two of them before the threw down right off the draw. I wish I saw what led to all of that. My best guess is that Tootoo did something dirty that we didnt get to see, unless I missed it. I wondered why Begin was deciding to drop them when he knew full well he was going to get filled with a ton of bombs. That fucker will fight anyone but seems to do better against the light heavy-weights, supposedly becauce they dont want to kill him. God love Steve Begin and God bless The Code. Take the points and move on to the next game.
  14. Hahahahha, awesome. I gotta give this one to you Sloth. You ended up having a far better Ottawa trade proposal to Florida for Luongo than what he ended up going for. As hair-brained as your deal seemed at the time, Vancouver's finish was idiotic if not foolish. Keenan must have been pissed off at someone in the Panthers organization and decided to fuckthem over.
  15. But they pass them.....that's the key. I was on a chuga-chuga bus one time and I couldnt believe the driver kept going after Hurdman. I should have transferred at that moment because it was taking forever and every bus was blowing by him. His top speed must have been 35 km's per hour. Once we hit Tupper (coming from downtown via the Transit Way) it completely died and we had to wait for another bus to pick us up. I could have walked home from there but it was nice out and my IPOD was making me cream so I laid down on the grass instead and waited the 10 or 15 minutes for the next one. The moral of my story? Eat lots of acid while you are young.
  16. All right kiddies, I should add something. A dear friend of mine has an ear issue that sounds quite similar to this. Her balance gets completely thrown out of wack at times and she wont even be drinking. I gotta believe him on this one. It's gotta suck hairy moose balls.
  17. Brennan Huff: This house is a fucking prison! Dale Doback: On Planet Bullshit! Brennan Huff: In the galaxy of This Sucks Camel Dicks!
  18. I just sent the following memo to Gainey.
  19. We cant add more games if that is what is going on. If a player didnt pay attention to his starts, toofuckingbad. Those were the rules from the beginning.
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