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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Misunderstood- Wilco All the broads I know love this tune. LOVE it. I Used To Love Her - GnR Douglas has been trying to get me to learn that for years but I am waiting until she is gone. Ooooooooooh. That's terrible. Even for me!
  2. Fisher's contract is seemingly ridiculous right now and I dont think any GM expects him to magically become a point machine in the future. I am assuming Vermette's contract makes him the more valuable trade asset, so there's the guy I would want to get hot if I am a Sens fan. He could possibly fetch something at the deadline if he is rolling.
  3. Northern Wish is a broad, confirmed.
  4. I havent met any that like this tune: I thought you said You'd bring me some flowers You came home with nothing You dirty rat fink I thought you said you'd Clean up the living room You said you'd do the dishes in the sink I'm sick and tired of your childish behavior You're always coming home completely soused I'm sick and tired of this shoebox apartment When are you going to buy me a house? She's bitchin' again She's bitchin' again She's bitchin' again drivin' me crazy She's bitchin' again She's bitchin' again She's bitchin' again drivin' me nuts
  5. Someone asked him what he thought about speculation that as many as 50% of big leaguers used steroids. "Well, I'm not," he said. "So that's 49 [percent] right there."
  6. He once settled a feud with Yankees manager Lou Piniella, saying, "Let bye-byes be bye-byes."
  7. Rickey once bragged that his Manhattan apartment had such a great view he could see "the Entire State Building."
  8. Boston gave Rickey an Appreciation Day one year. One of the team's owners, Tom Werner, asked Rickey what might be a good idea for a gift from the team. "I always wanted a mobile home," Rickey said. Werner, staggered, said, "A mobile phone?" "No," Rickey said, "a mobile homer" Werner asked Rickey for another suggestion. He asked for " John Henry's Mercedes" referring to the vehicle of another of the team's owners. Werner explained the club might have difficulty finding and taking delivery of the same make and model on short notice. "No, I mean John Henry's Mercedes," Rickey said. Henry wasn't about to hand over his car. On Rickey's Day, a new car was being delivered to Fenway Park just as Henderson arrived. It was a shiny red Thunderbird. "Whose ugly car is that?" Henderson said. That was the car the Red Sox purchased for him as a gift. "It's an old man's car, and I'm not an old man."
  9. "Sometimes he'd come back to the dugout after an umpire called him out, and I'd go, 'Rickey, was that a strike?' And he'd go, 'Maybe, but not to Rickey.' "
  10. In June 1999, when Henderson was playing for the Mets, the club fired hitting coach Tom Robson. Henderson saw reporters scurrying around the clubhouse and asked a teammate, "What happened?" "They fired Robson," was the reply. "Robson?" Henderson said. "Who's he?"
  11. Henderson signed a minor league deal one year with the Boston Red Sox that included an invitation to spring training and a $350,000 salary if he made the team. After he played his way onto the Boston roster with an impressive spring, Henderson groused that the Red Sox were underpaying him. Interim general manager Mike Port reminded Henderson of the conditions he had agreed to. "Oh, that?" Henderson replied. "I canceled that contract."
  12. "If they're going to pay me like [Mike] Gallego, I'm going to play like Gallego." "All I'm asking for is what I want."
  13. Oh man, this is gold and is from a few days ago. When asked if he was finally retired, he said he was, but with a caveat: "...but if a club came out and said they needed a left fielder, they needed a guy to get on base and steal a few bases, they can always ring my phone and I'll come on down and help their ballclub, that's how much I love the game." Just a few bases? Where is the Rickey we know and love? Wait, here he is: "I believe today, and people say I'm crazy, but if you gave me as many at-bats that you would give the runners out there today, I would out-steal every last one of them, I can go out and steal as many bases as [Jose] Reyes steals."
  14. When he was with the Padres, Rickey walked by the rest of the team's veterans to sit in the back of the bus. Told by Tony Gwynn that he could sit at the front because he had tenure, Rickey replied: "Ten? Rickey got 20 years in the big leagues!"
  15. First off, congrats to the man for a helluva career. If LaRussa thinks he was the most dangerous man he ever saw play the game, then I aint gonna argue. Now let's let the fun stuff begin because I am sure some of you (Guigs, get on it) have read some funny stories about him lately. Here goes: An internal in-season audit by the New York Yankees one year revealed that Rickey had not cashed a six-figure bonus cheque. When a then low-level club official named Brian Cashman asked Henderson whether there was a problem with the bank, Rickey responded, "No problem, I'm just waiting for the money-market rates to go up."
  16. Good work KK. You nailed it. Ollie loves cock.
  17. Sadly that boarding call was the TSN Turning Point.
  18. What are you trying to say with that picture? I am lost. I figured it was about high time the Sens string a few wins together here and there (not counting this Saturday) so they could fack up their chances at Tavares. Solid win.
  19. I dont get it. Time to put the bong down now.
  20. Boston looked and played really well tonight. They know their roles.
  21. Nice beer. Hopefully I am around for the Good Rev night.
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