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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Roller, I realized tonight that while Badams lives in Kingston he almost has it as bad as you do for watching Habs games. Move back to Ottawa dude.
  2. MOBE obviously hasnt seen me from two yards in, dead center of the net with no goalie and skying it over the bar. Hammered the shot, at that. And it was a ground-roller. No bumps in the pitch. I have yet to see Ronaldo's miss because I was sleeping. Douglas even tried to get me up with a "Dude, your favorite soccer team is on today." thanks to JimmyB. None the less, my lack of finish was worse. I dropped to the ground after that impotently frightening attempt and pounded my palm into the cold half-frozen tundra, ending up with a numb hand for the second half. It certainly wasnt a courageous 45 minutes like our resident DaveyBoy played with a broken collar bone but my heart had just been shattered. The only football I saw this weekend was the last 3 minutes of the Middlesborough game. Crouchie should have got those points. Oh well.
  3. Flipper is a fantastic solo performer. I am really sad we wont be in town for it. Buyer beware. Do NOT get him any shots before he starts playing.
  4. Mikey? You may want to re-check who posted that or stop trying to pass off poor jokes for the rest of the afternoon. Back to the topic. Douglas and I went to Dunns. I got a veggie sammie platter.
  5. I can already here Tysons next quote. "My main objective is to be professional but to kill her." or "She was screaming like my wife." or "I could have knocked her out in the third minute but I wanted to do it slowly, so she would remember this night for a long time." or "I just want them to keep bringing girls on and I'm going to strip them of their health. I bring pain, a lot of pain."
  6. Booche

    The Office

    I once worked with a girl EXACTLY like Kelly. Kelly: {spewing the latest issue of Us Weekly} Jim: So what's going on in your life? Kelly: I just told you
  7. National Football League Maybe you were referring to college ball, maybe you werent.
  8. Booche

    Free Hugs

    I am definitely not going to watch it. Suzies.
  9. Did you stink a Q-tip too far inside your ear? There are no games this Saturday.
  10. Booche

    Free Hugs

    Dont hug MarcO unless you want painful, incurable herpes.
  11. I do what I can to make sure that these dudes dont lose their minds, whether I can fix the issue or not.
  12. I am thinking Hab-ischer gets traded in the new year, perhaps sooner if the right deal comes along or it may happen around the trade deadline. Or it wont.
  13. Tyler Arnason would be 4th on team scoring right now (based on his Colorado stats) if he were playing in Ottawa. Isnt that interesting?
  14. Dont forget the bits of Gram Parsons in there as well. Its a fun little flick that I enjoyed.
  15. Booche

    Free Hugs

    You are all a bunch of vaginas.
  16. Yup. That meat is more dry than a nun on Good Friday. I am with Mike. The last one he got was a regurgitated / refridgerated schlog. The Friendly Corner makes a far better one. I have to try that one from Grecos.
  17. Saw a bit of creativity last night but I cant recall them really standing out. There was one MAD flurry during a late 2nd period power play for the Habs but I dont remember who was on the ice. It was pure domination. I was sure the Habs had scored at least 3 times.
  18. They are going to look good at the 3-4-5 spot in the lineup, provided Thomas is actually playing.
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