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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. So who's thinking about maybe making an appearence at the Canada Day Come Together Music Fest.

    I'll be there Thursday and Friday for those that care, I just finalized my flights this morning.

    Maybe I'll just set up a "Meet C-Towns" booth and make things easier on everyone, high fives for the dudes and kisses for the ladies....punches in the junk for any dudes looking for kisses.

    Yeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.See ya then.


  2. They wouldn't have their final tour go only as far west as wisconsin, come on, like they wouldn't at least play somewhere in California.

    Also, I just recieved the Phish update about the simulcast in movie theaters, why wouldn't they have attached this minor announcement?

    Mouth Poo.

  3. It doesn't really seem like the band would go out like this, they've always seemed to do what they do for their fans. I would think they would do a more extensive tour for their fans, but hey, maybe they just don't like the northwest. I still think its mouth poo regardless.

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