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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Crowds can make a show lifeless and a waste of time. Why not get a great album and a pair of headphones? to hope the crowd isn't luke warm that's why.
  2. It's all in the narrow tires. If you can get narrow but grippy tires, a road bike, cycle cross, or hybrid would be my bet. Big cruisers or mountain bikes are not the best idea...from what I've gathered along my travels. Of course, you might want to just fix up a bike to avoid theft...having a stolen bike is a real pain in your ass.
  3. Congratulations for loving life again. So How'd you do it, Luke?
  4. New Country is just southern twanged pop-rock. Garth Brooks is a huge kiss fan. I'm not suprised. Most of those pairings aren't wierd. Philip glass and Ravi Shankar? not even that's wierd. Maybe Enya and Alanis Morisette would be a strange pairing. She'd probablly make some sort of misguided comment about the irony of it all or something.
  5. Hillary is going to show the world that she in fact doesn't truly care about her voters and is really just a middle of the road 'neo-con' People won't trust a woman after the shit that she's going to put America through. I don't sense there's an ounce of sincerity flowing through those veins. Just cold blood.
  6. Booche Said: Did you "accidently" go out and buy some Kleenex as well? Ol'Hickster Said: Yummy! Best 2-posts-in-a-row EVER
  7. So what's the deal with transferrable/non-transferrable. Is transferrable worth it?
  8. Win or not, Obama's the better choice for pres. Ron Paul was the best choice, but he's easily the most radical of them all...and he's a republican. At least he got the message out to a few people. With Ron Paul as a President I'd want to move down there...but right now I think Obama and McCain would be better presidents. American just isn't ready for a Woman President, let alone one as shifty as Hillary. She'd ruin it for every other female presidential hopeful.
  9. I think that'd be a pretty amazing way to go...but with a base jumping parachute just in case a flock of seagulls came by...
  10. Going to open the cottage soon i hope. With weather like this I wonder why I'm not there.
  11. Going to open the cottage soon i hope. With weather like this I wonder why I'm not there.
  12. Allowed? When they take the vows they say they're not going to. So it's not that they break the rules, it's that they're liars. Who the fuck thinks they can get away with lying to God?
  13. It's crazy shit like that that distracts us from being positive people.
  14. Was that Stapes with the rope around his neck? Awesome shot!
  15. is it only money? I read it was about benefits and working conditions, with salary being enough of a bargainingchip to tip the scales. Strikes are often touted as being about money but there are often underlying issues that the media don't actively pursue. any other sides on it?
  16. Oh? what's happening there?
  17. Hey - What's camping like up by lion's head?
  18. Maybe it would be a good thing. No more United States? then we'd be all province/state aligned...insidious as it seems, there could be advantages, no?
  19. She looks like an ass? A real postergirl for the democrats
  20. I think it's referred to as a 'rumble seat'
  21. Sarah, it's not that they pump the stuff we buy full of crap, they don't think of the environment and those in it before making things to sell to us even by going with the flow. I'm sure, for example, Nalgene isn't an evil company, but it's pretty obvious that plastics are not good for us. In fact, using oil at all is not good for the environment. I'm really suprised that people are at all shocked by this. Sure it takes energy to make anything - especially stainless steel, and even Glass, but they're not as toxic and much nicer to drink from.
  22. She's part of the club. You'll get sicker as the years of her in office go by.
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