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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Canada and the US have signed innumerable agreements. It's like we have a great big accomodator so we can be hands free while sucking balls. Free Flowing Petroleum lube!
  2. Rich people spend lots of money. They have it to spend. I just saw a television show about an incredible home...that has a staircase and a spiral slide 'for the kids' Now maybe that's a bit more tangible than a birthday party, but the guy had the money to put a slide in his home. They have the cash to have a half a million dollar birthday party for a toddler. Irrational? Obviously Crazy? probably not but that's subjective anyway. A Hypocrite? He has been quoted as doing everything in his power to 'help people' I think it will be an incredible party in every sense of the word. Every organized reliogion strives for Economic power over its subjects - the Mormons, the Catholic Church, the Church of England, Buddhist Monastaries, even the Hare Krishnas (give all of your stuff to us) When it's laid out with wacky stories and mind control as scientology has it seems sinister. It's organized religion. Of course it is. It makes people crazy because they are led to believe they are more sane than everyone else. Too bad they can't shell out a full mil.
  3. Is Canada Worth Dying For?? This article asked a crucial question. I ask more. With Globalization a reality and Canada embracing it and other external political interests now and obviously for decades, what are our options to stay afloat with few repercussions? Will voting with our money work or will it bankrupt individuals? Will voting with our democratic rights work or are our leaders all a part of a predetermined group? Is it important to keep in mind the strength of Canadian Banks and the power of the international banking cartel? Should 'conspiracies' like those in the previous question be brought to light to inspire discussion? Instead of getting people thinking, do they serve to confuse the issue (or make the story just long enough to keep Canadians disinterested)? What qualities still hold true to Canada and Canadians that are worth fighting for, dying for, and upholding? Were any of these qualities ever worth sacrifice? Is Canada just a place for immigrants and refugees? Why do Canadians have fewer children if this is such a truly majestic place? Does Canada have the ability to be self-sufficient? Do Candians want to be self-sufficient? Why would that be important to Canadians? Why Do Average Canadians fight for Partisan Politics and not for the strength of their social and economic systems, and communities? Presuming the previous question has a solid foundation, What steps do Canadians need to take in order to make society and economy condusive to speaking out and taking chances? Is the position that can be drawn from these questions together entirely wrong? Are we a nation divided? Are we a nation that has bought its way into political and social slavery with no hope or interest in getting out? Would this nation's peoples stand up to its elected and civil authority in the face of oppression and injustice? Has the news turned into a form of cathartic entertainment? Where should I turn to reverse these views??
  4. SaggyBalls


    ooh...I know wherever there's more men than women, things get a little hairy. The social fabric often suffers. I hope they can at least tie their loin cloths properly in the coming decades.
  5. Me Me Me! I admire how he's still in it and doesn't expect to win. the guy is trying to get an entirely positive message across to people that have been distracted and misguided.
  6. It is a time to seriously move towards a deficit. We're already in Debt and this anti-deficit crap is getting nothing done. We need a serious overhaul. It costs money to do that. Nobody's going to come and collect frum us when we have so much oil and water.
  7. That's what normal cars are going to look like. Get used to it.
  8. Curious how there's just a bit more distance between government and its peoples... Anybody got a gun? You might have to use it before too long.
  9. When? Price? Lease? How long (for ever? sublet??)
  10. Free and fair election?? We don't even get those.
  11. So Tooly - Will you make Guitar Pedals now? I have little interest in making pedals but love to use them.
  12. It's nights of music like these that make up for Vancouver's Gloomy Winter.
  13. I think to an extend most of us have exposed ourselves to the same tactics as a part of regular society...creepy when it's all laid out. "...This current generation of thought reform practices, in the opinion of many researchers, poses a greater threat than did the politically oriented behavior control practices of the past because its primary attack is not just upon the individual�s political views but rather upon the sense of self. (6) "Basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and world view, emotional control, and defense mechanisms" (7) are destabilized, with resultant loss of independent perspective and thus of the capacity for informed consent. Some of the influence techniques that attract and hold people in a thought reform environment are: • Creating a triad of "miracle, mystery, and authority...MIRACLE - ideology imputing miraculous powers to leaders and/or activities...to produce an atmosphere of awe...MYSTERY - secrecy obscuring actual beliefs and practices...[which] hides unattractive aspects of cult routine...AUTHORITY - claims on members� time, talents, bodies or property to meet group needs. A leader�s allegedly immense intellectual, spiritual, or even physical powers may rationalize whims and doctrines, [allowing him] to hold sway over followers. While leaders are intelligent and articulate, often their biographies and abilities are puffed up." (8) • Attributing "all individual suffering to misapplication, misunderstanding or even casual doubting of the group�s unfailing teaching." (9) • Inducing "sensory deprivation and sensory overload, guided imagery and visualization, trance induction through repetition of words or slogans..." (10) • Controlling the environment, i.e., the group member "is deprived of the combination of external information and inner reflection which anyone requires to test the realities of his environment and to maintain a measure of identity separate from it." (11) • Creating a mystique of importance around the group and its leader, so that the group and its goals are seen as more important than anything else. (12) • Requiring a level of perfection that is unattainable, with consequent guilt and shame serving as powerful control devices. (13) • Demanding extraordinary levels of confession, including confession to crimes that one has not committed, making it "virtually impossible to maintain a reasonable balance between worth and humility." (14) • Claiming absolute infallibility of the group�s leader and doctrine. (15) • Creating a unique language, often non-understandable to outsiders, the effect of which "can be summed up in one word: constriction.... [The group member] is, so to speak, linguistically deprived; and since language is so central to all human experience, his capacities for thinking and feeling are immensely narrowed." (16) • Giving the member a new identity by bringing his or her thinking into alignment with the group�s, prompting a redefinition of the self and a reinterpretation of the past in terms of the new present. The individual "switches worlds...and through socialization, discovers the �plausibility structures� that make the new world coherent, fully tangible and fully believable...The formula for reinterpretation of the past is, �Then I thought...now I know.� (17) • Relegating outsiders to the status of reduced value or non-person. (18)..."
  14. What a horrible distraction from nice thoughts
  15. Sorry to ruin your witty retort.
  16. my uglies bump together with every step i take. hello treadmill.
  17. I've been wearing those for the past couple of years and they're great. [color:purple][color:purple]just put a pair of shorts over em.
  18. Because they're in love...after all they're the only person that did that...
  19. But it did get everyone on the same page. God is implied in the lord's prayer but is explicitly stated in our national anthem... 'God' not 'Jesus' Still pretty non-descript. Could be 'All keep our land' if it's really that important (there are better things to spend our time on than changing one word in a song)
  20. How can anyone think that any elected government in one of the most powerful countries in the world could ever be against war? Perhaps its people are but War makes too much money to not usher in with open arms. Fucking bankers... (Canada has amazing banks...) Hmm...Oil, Uranium, Nuclear reactors, power generation, water, grain, timber exports... Those are all obvious hints that Canada is all over any war we can get into politically. What are we making for the world that is unique to us? I say it's all just a distraction. Get back to your own lives? Hmm? can you really make a difference? Do you care to? Who else can we trade with other than the USA if we really back out?
  21. How can anyone think that any elected government in one of the most powerful countries in the world could ever be against war? Perhaps its people are but War makes too much money to not usher in with open arms. Fucking bankers... (Canada has amazing banks...)
  22. A mantra is a nice thought but it's sort of the first step to brainwashing. A positive, strength-affirming speech that helps start each day with a foreward thinking focus that will lead those involved down an ethically and morally acceptable path. If God is everywhere then why not live life like it? There are way more ways to assert it than a prayer. Why not hold hands?
  23. The key there is Industrially. Curious how this thread turned into a food safety/indistrialization of food production thread, as nowadays our milk has to be pasteurized and tends to be homogenized and then fortified to have any value (and is still horrible for us) Organic farmers that are uncertified are just that. Many smaller farmers don't claim to be organic but do not use feedlots and there is quite a bit of organic meat that is fed by feedlot grain. Organic is nice in theory. Eating local and properly butchered meat is an even easier way to go and is still a great option for meat eaters.
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