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Everything posted by paisley

  1. I call is time for more of the shaved head kid and some un-space helmeted daft punk beelzebuddy's (the dad just cancelled our phone, grabbed a beer... think by good dog Buster drank my brandy... thery're goin to see a docter.. all blood pressure's checked, mine steady good skewering don't know what to do Booche, Davey Boy, you handsome devils... what tO dO??! (trick question)
  2. hippies communists socialists lets see where Castro lets you sleep after week 3
  3. my freedom fries are really just fine french brandy woo whoo! woo woo! the someone or other calls me something or other and something else could be SAID (maybe... any takers?)
  4. give me job mouthwash and a shower I'll put it wherever you tell me too (almost wherever, perverts) $10 and hour... I'll write a states address please allow me to write your state's address whoo whoo!!
  5. you just wouldn't figure it'd be so hard to find a little devil music around here do you wanna work FOREVER???!>?!?!?!? AND ever?
  6. TOO MUCH TYPING NOT ENOUGH LISTENING TOO>>> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4275660658800832791&q
  7. you call that jello I've eaten horse bones... just not big on the horse milk.
  8. is it just me or am I jhallucinating posts back to the daft punk until things straighten out around here (hint. go to daft punt ticket get rid of thread and click things... evillly... ha ha ha ha)
  9. the problem with the paticipaction is the "participating" I'd rather get loaded and make sudden thoughts. thinking upper government common people FOCUS!!!
  10. don't make me put on the RED BOXERS even the crusades had better taste Give Me Good Work For Too Much Money Now!!! (soooo much easier than HRDC yes) talk to me Satanists!
  11. I'm ok... just time to fire up the ol skool daft p-p-p-Punk one more time round says the french brandy anyONE hiring out there in devil-land?
  12. postal... calendar.... is alllll SA---TAN Musack to Noooooooo!!!!
  13. more Hot Hot Hot de---vil music goin straight out to Hot---tawa!!! (SUPER HOT CHICKS and one dirty FALLEH... actually Neil rocks... buy a coffee and a non dairy creamer for your worshiping... yes)
  14. you saw that too Sedaka?
  15. all I have left is to one day shave my head and be the amazingly spaced kid (with no hair obviously) right behind (blank) alternately rocking spacing and lighting a big bomber at 13:22 or so-ish grant me at least this one little thing special god of everything I see-ish god great-guy-ish dude (secret-ish code for sa---tan!!!!)
  16. SA- --- --- TAN (Gatch is underacknowledged too)
  17. "No Craigs" (isn't really the password)
  18. CLICK LINK NOW!!! (been stuck watching this for 5 hours repeatedly... has motivated thread... semi work safe depending who you work for... either you get raise for being so hip or no have work no more... modern world... china coming)
  19. and my french brandy loves YOU MarcO
  20. all I know is I hear stories of big drives working now (as opposed to big drives a few years back) go the the online shopping sites and check the reviews, see a good bunch of write-up check another site to see if the info matches back to the french brandy...
  21. cause I'm close to the... Edge ha ha ha ha love thyself Margaret... is where all love starts
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