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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Davey Boy 2.0


    that's got Islay written all over it I found 5/6 full bottle of Bowmore at the back of the liquor pantry the other day– better than finding money in pants, I'll tell you what
  2. 'Aleksander Andrzej was saved from freezing in temperatures of -5C (23F) as he lay on a park bench in his underwear...because of the amount of alcohol in his blood. Aleksander, 32, would have been nearly 30 times over the legal limit for driving. He was spotted in the Warsaw park and taken to hospital by police. A breath test showed he had 1,024 micrograms per 100ml, which doctors believe helped him live. The legal limit is 35mg - and they added that even 300mg is potentially deadly. He is expected to make a full recovery' - Metro
  3. how many drinks would you recommend the chef imbibe while throwing this all together
  4. you usually smell like you have
  5. 'An immigration officer tried to rid himself of his wife by adding her name to a list of terrorist suspects. He used his access to security databases to include his wife on a watch list of people banned from boarding flights into Britain because their presence in the country is 'not conducive to the public good'. As a result the woman was unable for three years to return from Pakistan after travelling to the county to visit family. The tampering went undetected until the immigration officer was selected for promotion and his wife name was found on the suspects' list during a vetting inquiry. The Home Office confirmed today that the officer has been sacked for gross misconduct' - The Daily Mail
  6. there will be drama what a friggin sports day on Sunday!! it's going to be tough to not start tippling at the kickoff
  7. found out the other day that refried beans are prepared in lard. bwoof
  8. ...all into the crockpot for several hours
  9. we use most of the above + browned groundround, decent vino, and shave some dark chocolate into the quagmire as well
  10. I also heard that the opener's opener will be Moncton's own Iconic Mullets
  11. I think we're going to have turkey legs instead of wings now very cheeky
  12. $10 says Skertl takes Torres out on Sunday, gets a straight red and Torres is out for 6-8 weeks, Lumptard misses the penalty final score 1-1 King Kenny smiles ruefully at the final whistle while Ancelotti's head explodes
  13. Rumours that Manchester United have looked to sell Howard Webb have proved baseless as Sir Alex Ferguson went on record today stating that he is far too valuable to the club.
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