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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. So Schwa. walks into the doctor's, and says, "I've broke my arm in several places." The doctor replies, "Well don't go to those places."
  2. i think the main point here is that we all need some booze in us tonight.
  3. Right, poll: How many beers would you need?: A. 1-3 B. 4-6 C. 7-10 D. 11-15 E. 16-20 F. 20+ G. Pharmies, booze, viagra, yayo, a disguise, a history of rejection, low self esteem and a hefty dose of psilocybian
  4. alright maybe it's the truth serum coursing through my veins but i would defy any of you to not do celine up the arse given the opp.– taped up mouth, no strings attached, no 'call you in the morning', no sending flowers three days later (or whatever's de rigueur these days), no criminal charges, no clingy celine showing up at oyur local pub asking you why she hasn't heard from you and what are you doing later on that night add to that the hypothetical scenario in which she owns Les Glorieux.... Downtown
  5. hotdamn, I finally got around to making this and it was facking awesome sound advice on the mushrooms, Thorg. We left em chunky for texture's and i suppose taste's sake yum!
  6. i thought there some some great songs but it wasn't always tight understandably though PS- norah's stunning
  7. Jack: I even stopped to catch a snowflake with my tongue, but apparently that's some signal in Chelsea.
  8. Tracy: [regarding his ankle bracelet alcohol monitoring device] Maybe I’ll just compromise - go to the party, cut off my foot and drink all I want!
  9. from Facts and Arguments: Greener than thou "Protecting the environment is seen as a liberal cause, but new research suggests that it may be just as much a 'limousine liberal' cause," Kevin Lewis writes in The Boston Globe. "Researchers were tipped off by surveys showing that people bought the Toyota Prius primarily because it made a personal statement, not because of environmental conservation. This led the researchers [at the University of Minnesota] to theorize that so-called green products allow people to signal not only their altruism but their ability to afford altruism. In other words, green products are now status symbols. In several experiments, people who first read a short story that primed thoughts about status competition were then more likely to prefer a green product. However, when status was taken out of the equation - by telling people that they'd be shopping in private or that the green product was cheaper - people were actually somewhat less likely to prefer the green product. These findings imply that marketers should sell green products as a form of luxury, rather than as a form of charity."
  10. does it feature jimmy butler on drums?!?!?
  11. I would say that nothing beats the original "Not ready for prime time players" John Belushi alone is enough for them to get my vote
  12. Did anyone else catch the announcer during the first Rangers-Caps game say "There was a Grateful Dead concert in here last night and the air still hasn't cleared up" (or words to that effect)?
  13. the funny thing about Kerr's is that they're not the best quality chip but their flavours are eclectic
  14. those balls were in your hand before they were in your mouth
  15. I've started manufacturing some magnetic chrome coloured lettering in the shape of "Hybrid" if anyone's thinking of visiting IKEA soon Jaimoe?
  16. what is a sex-like toy? for when you're doing a sex-like activity? if you stick with that alone are you virgin-like? intriguing
  17. I can confirm that McLovins will be on the main stage, 07/15/09, 9:00PM
  18. Always great to share laughs wit choo, mon ami.
  19. hearsay, confirmed. Certain states in India have, as well as San Francisco though http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/environment/shoppingbags.html
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