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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Letter to the Ed., Globe & Mail today: Regarding your editorial about CBC Radio's Q interview with Billy Bob Thornton (Tough Prima Donna - April 10), I'd like to set the record straight. The producers and host did not agree to a precondition to not mention his acting. As Jian Ghomeshi said in the interview, he was interested in talking to Mr. Thornton and the band about their music as well as having them perform. That's what we were aiming to do. Arif Noorani, executive producer, Q, CBC Radio One, Toronto
  2. ...culminating in the "I'm listening to my walkman" incident
  3. yeah we watched it friday night with several beerseses in us and my mind was playing catch-up until 15 minutes after it ended great shit, hope it doesn't get cancelled
  4. Dinghy logic: if you make a joke and no-one comments it's probably because they missed it and need another opportunity to slap you on the back
  5. Post of the year, 'ersh– keep rockin it
  6. you might be able to just replace the extension (".wdp" or whatever it is) with ".txt" and at least view it in notepad
  7. they should interview the Tummies. It would put this BBT story to shame, especially if Mung were to acquire a bottle of JD a couple of hours beforehand
  8. The drive to bring good manners back to football has reached new heights after a referee issued a yellow card to a player for "breaking wind" as a penalty was being taken. The official deemed the act "ungentlemanly conduct" and booked the player responsible. However Chorlton Villa, who conceded a goal on the second take, went on to win the match 6-4 against local rivals International Manchester FC at Turn Moss in Stretford, Manchester, last Sunday. Ian Treadwell, manager of Chorlton Villa for the past eight years, said his team had learnt lessons from the game in which three players were dismissed and two were booked. "The other player had the penalty saved because it was a bad penalty it was nothing to do with any noise. Not one of their team remonstrated with the referee when the first penalty was taken. "They were as shocked as we were as to why. We are waiting for the Football Association to contact us after they have received the report." Treadwell added that his players' behaviour was "normally exemplary". "We are not a dirty team and we like to play football. While I won't condone the actions of the players it is an emotive game and some of the players were sent off for entering into conversation with the referee. "This has come at a bad time in the season as we don't have sponsor and we are looking for a new sponsor for next season." Pauline Riley, secretary and treasurer of International Manchester FC, said: "Both teams are very friendly. There's no animosity. It was just hilarious."
  9. http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2009/04/06/tech-090406-deep-packet-inspection-privacy-commissioner.html
  10. TFC game tomorrow @ 3:30 @ BMO field (on CBC) Could be a chilly one!
  11. ...think of all the hoagies you could make with those fuckers, eh Dinghy?
  12. I hear she has BO as well
  13. that's how I normally pee, pt good for the spine, plus you get a great headrush
  14. also if you do a headstand while peeing into the sample cup this will help as your cleaner enzymes tend to float to the top
  15. but what about his wife?!?!?
  16. Schwa.ism You have two cows You concoct a plan to get them to come with you to Burning Man
  17. Huxism You have 2 cows. You insist on milking the one that is clearly infected with BSE while putting the award winning Jersey out to pasture.
  18. Freak by Nightism You have two cows That should be just enough to get you through the remaining PC mac-a-cheezee thingies from Loblaws in your pantry
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