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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Yours Trulyism You have two cows It is a time to seriously move towards a deficit. We're already in Debt and this anti-deficit crap is getting nothing done. We need a serious overhaul. It costs money to do that. Nobody's going to come and collect frum us when we have so much oil, water and cows.
  2. Maxime Bernierism You had two cows But now you do not
  3. badamsism you have two cows one is for your roommate
  4. Ollieism You have two cows That udder was in your hand before it was in your mouth
  5. Northern Wishism You have two cows who personally told you which species will be at the upcoming agricultural festival
  6. peipunkism You have two cows. The locals have been alerted, East Coasters are one big family. ___________________________________ Hal Johnsonism You have two cows ...which you will be tipping in September.
  7. I've also got a special friend who I call Lillefläsk, only I spell it Lil Flask (not to be confused with Big Flask)
  8. mmmmmmmmm electro-mechanicalicious
  9. Esauism You have two cows. Dispense pills
  10. Jaimoeism You have two cows. You can't wait to hang them on hooks in a meat freezer and beat them with your fists
  11. Bouchism You have two cows. That's 24 567 753 weight watchers points
  12. my pupils will be like the surfaces of gigantic buckets of crude oil, filled to the brim when i hit up Star Trek
  13. And here they are to perform their latest hit, "batshiat crazee" from their latest album, "meltdown", please welcome Inglewood Jack!
  14. 'England fans should brace themselves for tonight's World Cup qualifier against Ukraine - they'll have to stand through the world's longest national anthem. The Three Lions' opponents have been granted special permission to play the full 6½-minute version of Oi Ukrainy. The FA has confirmed any supporter who sits back down or jeers during the performance may face ejection from Wembley before the Group Six clash. The Ukraine Football Federation usually plays a shorter version - just 90 seconds long - at games... 'Ukraine's anthem will be sung by folk star Furstov Aprylova, who hails from capital, Kiev. It includes a tribute to Shevchenko: "No oil well could ever dig deeper for the great Ukraine than Andriy." And in a dig at its former Soviet rulers, the tune ends: "Kiev, Kiev - there is no such thing as a Chicken Moscow" - The Sun. 'England supporters travelling to the new Wembley Stadium to see their team take on Ukraine on Wednesday night have been told that they must keep quiet before the game so as not to disturb guests eating corporate dinners' - Virgin Media.com. 'Barnsley will pioneer a Football League initiative whereby their players and coaching staff will wear microphones wired up to the Oakwell PA system as part of an anti-swearing campaign' - Barnsley Official Website. 'President Barack Obama will travel to Eastbourne Borough's Blue Square Premier game against Ebbsfleet on Saturday, in order to watch his cousin Achtog Laprifolo play for Borough' - Eastbourne Borough Official Website.
  15. now that's a photograph that's destined to end up as a demotivational poster
  16. I heard Humter Pipes is playing Ramrod "You're a damn good audience!"
  17. oh i'd love to watch that race, maybe someone can video it?!?!?! there was a scanky boxing match at That Place on Canada Day a number of years ago, highly entertaining the loser was able to get up on stage later and sing Jumping Jack Flash which was nice to see
  18. Shearer to manage Newcastle this'll be interesting, 3rd from bottom, 4th manager this season I see a fire sale in the summer
  19. those lefty whoppers had an extra succulent aspect to them, I think it's cause they were made by left handed workers in the back and of course everyone knows that left handed people tend to fare well in this society of ours James A. Garfield Herbert Hoover Harry S. Truman Gerald Ford Ronald Reagan George Bush Bill Clinton
  20. if they brought in William Shatner they wouldn't need to dub his voice
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