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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I'd sell balloons in the lot beforehand except they'd be filled with a helium-nitrous mixture to provide a unique quality to the "Marc....O! Marc....O!" chants
  2. https://www.registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/document/default_e.cfm?documentID=1756
  3. Thanks for the wallpaper, booche. Now I'm off to apply some Miracle Grow to my stache and dig up my Hawaiian shirt collection
  4. {{vibes to help heal angré's sense of humour. And dorkiness}}
  5. Someone should punch Schwa tonight and see if he bruises. Hippy experimenting at its finest. c-towns maybe?
  6. Well maybe all the far out heady good vibes have had a preventative impact on our one and only Schwabulous Schwa. Thena gain maybe Schwa's been schwilling something else lately
  7. But how do you feel overall, Schwa? Any headache or upset stomach, cramps, back aches, shaving nicks, gout, earaches, bacterial vaginitis, hang nail, itchy skin, tennis elbow, gut rot, ennui, athlete's foot, gasiness, acne, bulemia, back pain, halitosis, hives, intestinal worms, jock itch, IBS, piles, sexual impotence, swimmers ear, dark circles, burning tongue, jumpy leg?
  8. and he like to dance naked in front of the mirror to "Too Little Too Late"
  9. Freak by Night is in for a fright when he gets home tonight and turns on his lights
  10. you don't need a line to pick up MrBigtime
  11. I'd become a madam for Brad- and mattm
  12. It hurts when I pee after gettin with MattyC
  13. I'd put some junk in the trunky of GentleMonkey
  14. I'd wear a purse for a crack at 'ersh
  15. I'd give a rusty trombone to Livingstoned
  16. I'd love to see MarcO let a fart go
  17. I put part of a bone into Hartamophone
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