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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. actually i think you can get them at certain convenience stores in town, YT
  2. Happy birthday Christine rock and roll!
  3. Fans not tuning in will be tasked on commemorating that aspect, AD
  4. awesome I think Ecojustice used to be Sierra Legal
  5. 1- Although hearing of them, I have never really listened to any Ecoustic Hookah [sp?]. 2- Sure, Howard Stern is quite famous, but I just don't get it. 3- I don't care what anybody says, Slade is awesome. 4- John Coltrane redefined music for me, man. 5- fuÇk the guv'ment !!!!
  6. I think I'm going to need about 6-8 drinkypoos in me before I fully understand this. Good work there Douglas :thumbup:
  7. {the potheads'}... petition concluded with this call-to-arms: "Given all these facts and the total disregard for your customer base ... we the undersigned plan to BOYCOTT your products. And we're serious. Even though the Pop Tarts thing will be HARD."
  8. my folks used to buy this alllllll the time to appease everyone when i was a kid and i just hate it now. would much rather have plain cheerios
  9. ollie's finger quivers every time he clicks on this thread.... hoping....... hoping that he'll be able to use that line premature ejac though from the looks of it just couldn't hold onto it eh buddy? ah well
  10. ... what would it be? I think, for me, it'd be one of those muesli-type things with almonds or this, if it was still available:
  11. Davey Boy 2.0


    The stickers with real looking bank logos that we stuck on ATM's all over kitchener that said 'An additional $1 charge will be added to this transaction to help fund the Corporate Christmas Party' that one made the papers... That's hilarious!
  12. we'll file that one away for the Drinking on the Job edition of QotD
  13. only if your prep meal was convenience store microwaved nachos
  14. i suspect Esau could blow us out of the water on this one... Chathamites, other SoOn kidz must also have some good anecdotes
  15. Not like when you're still up from the night before, but when you wake up and BOOM! hit the sauce. Also, mimosas don't count. Me? In Sackville, there's a place now called George's Roadhouse that in my day was called Steve's Beverage Room. There were these events called Drink & Drowns (charming name) where there would be a lineup at the door at 8:30 in the morning, doors opened at 9:00ish. $5 to get in and small draft for some ridiculously low price (59¢ or summat). Everyone would be crunked by the early afternoon. Me and some drinkin buds would get together for breakfast and have a couple of warm up drinkypoos (beer) at about 8:00am Regale me with your tales of early morning debauchery
  16. hmmm, I'd heard a different story about the naming of Countess von Backward
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