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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. custies will undoubtably be reigning in their expenditures on the needless lot purchases... food tshirts cedar incense glass jengas crystals... the 2 day sketchy hangover is going to have to be souvenir enough i guess
  2. 'Since Janet Jackson's bejewelled right nipple popped out during the half-time show at the 2004 Super Bowl, the term "wardrobe malfunction" has become part of the rich history of American football's showpiece event. 'Yesterday, as this year's clash between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals neared a thrilling climax, TV viewers in Tuscon, Arizona, witnessed an intimate exposure of a completely different order. 'Shortly after 7.30pm, with less than three minutes to play in a tightly fought final, the Cardinals had taken the lead with a crucial touchdown. Fans watching in Arizona would have been forgiven for scenting a victory for their team against the odds. Then the pictures from Tampa disappeared. 'Instead, viewers in the Tuscon area were astonished to see a woman unzipping a man's trousers to reveal "full male nudity" followed by what was described as "a graphic act" between the couple' - The Guardian.
  3. Protesters greeted Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien and OC Transpo general manager Alain Mercier yesterday morning as riders boarded the O-Train at Greenboro station for the first time since the transit strike began in December. The mayor and Mr. Mercier welcomed O-Train riders back on the first day of service after city-wide transit service was shut down for 54 days and left tens of thousands of commuters stranded. The mayor was at the station early with a cup of coffee in his hand, shaking hands with riders and welcoming them. But amid the gladhanding with commuters and the mayor's relief that at least the O-Train was back in operation, several protesters were on hand to dampen his early-morning excitement and pep talk to riders. They held up yellow signs reading "More for public transit / less for Larry's buddies" and "Public transit takes a kicking / O-Train keeps on ticking." "The big problem right now is that the union and the city have been quarrelling and they couldn't care less about the customers of OC Transpo, the riders," said Duncan McGregor, one of the protesters. Mr. McGregor wasn't too impressed with the mayor's early-morning public relations campaign. "It was in poor taste, there is no other phrase for it," said Mr. McGregor, adding the mayor saw his sign but didn't offer any comments. Union head André Cornellier has charged that the city has orchestrated a slow return to full service in an effort to punish the union. But Mr. Mercier countered saying that all the rhetoric has to end and the focus should be on improving OC Transpo. "We had indicated that if we were not able to return to service with the amount of fleet we would have no choice except to face lay-offs for a period of time," said Mr. Mercier. "We're re-assessing that now and currently at this time we'll only be up to 70 per cent of the fleet and we'll be discussing with the union this week the implications (of that). We want everybody back to work as soon as we can," said Mr. Mercier. Carleton University student Bill Deng said he was happy to see the O-Train back. "It was pretty hard during the strike and I had to take the school bus," said Mr. Deng, 22, a commerce student. "I'm very happy the train is back."
  4. Awesome, congratulations to you and Mellie, Bob
  5. hey TG- is your avatar 120 as well?
  6. that totally wrecked my mojo for the rest of the pool shooting night
  7. Last night reminded me of how out of practice i am on the ole billiard table (or maybe it's coz i was crunked). who would be interested in setting aside a night for a boozy pool tourney? I'm thinking Orange Monkey, low entry fee, winner takes all or almost all, pizza at Pubwells before or after, schwilly fun. something to take the mind off of winter shittyness
  8. ROCK and roll buddy rock and roll
  9. i hear you synch up great too Michel
  10. how is it possible that i don't own Fast Times at Ridgemont High?!?!?!? tomorrow is insane, sports-wise Liverpool-Chavs @ 11:00 (don't worry Booche, I think there's a classic WNBA game on espn classics) Habs-Bruins @ 2:00 then some sorta football game
  11. I'm not at all sure I'll go but if others are....
  12. let's all try to incorporate bacon into our superbowl menu! report back here of course
  13. I'll trade you my room for two for two pairs of tickets
  14. you could have bacon wings... Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] What's stopping me from getting a bunch of those boneless chicken wings from Pizza hut, then wrapping them in bacon? Not a whole lot, I tell you, not a whole lot. I would deign to dub them "Wings of Icarus"
  15. haha, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fack I'm predictable I totally started typing out something about preferring what you've quoted there to extended wankery but got distracted by– of all things– work
  16. actually if there were a way to merge the Bacon thread with this one... well it boggles the mind, doesn't it? The offspring of such a wonder could produce a super race of message board sprogs. Tittilating. [cue an image from Booche]
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