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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. It'd sure take a whole lotta jaeger to get me to jump out of a plane
  2. what's a dropzone? I guess, judging by that apparatus it's a zone you go to to stick your head under a tap til you drop?
  3. Get your boys to sample a gurgling water bong and I think we're gettin somewhere
  4. If I'm crunked enough I'll call in, Brad Unless I'm enjoying a tastey veggie burger at that hour of course
  5. The key is to gargle with the scotch before downing it, particularly if it's one of those illnesses that starts in the throat. The Vegas---> Shoreline run right before the hiatus proved that one for me– in a van/hotel rooms with 3 very sickies for about 12 days, the two of us using the gargle Glenlivet approach never got sick at all. Booche and I could write a book... "The Boozers' Home Remedy Guide"
  6. Haha, good point. Although $10 says that it'll be available at Starbucks in the near future with a portion of the proceeds going to border services
  7. I wish the list was more subversive and included "Dildo Don (What's that mechanism you've got on?)". What a great song. What's this for again?
  8. fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again
  9. I think it's obvious that Punk's been validated well done sir
  10. Davey Boy 2.0


    I thought Arby's had the trademark on that name
  11. Davey Boy 2.0


    is there a secret handshake?
  12. I still haven't watched the 98 world cup final... don't give it away if you know the final score
  13. You know if you close one eye when you're seeing double it doesn't really help much
  14. Rickey's gonna be Rickey. Period. No matter what I'm going to do or play or come here early, I'm gonna be Rickey. Rickey is not going to change and not be himself. I've been in this world too long to try to change Rickey and what he does . . . My mother don't even try to change me. She raised me, but she ain't gonna change me.
  15. If wooks hadn't infested the "scene" there wouldn't be nearly as much backlash against the genre alas
  16. Isn't that like asking someone who wants acid or mushrooms why they won't just settle with a joint? Sounds like the makings of a decent jamband song Praps someone who can't sing well will write it
  17. EDMONTON - A Edmonton man who showed up intoxicated last June for his impaired driving trial was apparently not impaired at the time of the alleged offence. Stephen Foster, 28, had his drunk-driving charges dismissed Tuesday after a provincial court judge ruled he was left with a reasonable doubt. Judge Michael Stevens-Guille questioned some key parts of Foster's testimony, saying it 'gives some pause' and 'makes one wonder.' But he also noted police evidence didn't match Foster's supposed blood-alcohol reading. Foster had been slated to go to trial on the drunk-driving charges on June 9, however the case was adjourned when he came to court with glassy eyes and smelling of booze. Upon learning Foster was in 'a self-induced state of inebriation from the night before,' an irate Judge Vaughn Myers had him arrested and locked up for several hours, during which time he had to undergo a strip search. On Tuesday, Staff Sgt. William Bawn testified he pulled over Foster at 10:40 p.m. on Dec. 2, 2006, after seeing him speeding and fishtailing through traffic. Bawn told court he noted a moderate smell of alcohol on Foster's breath and arrested him for impaired driving after he failed a road-side screening test. He also said Foster said he had last had a drink 25 minutes earlier. Bawn testified he found four empty cans of beer and one half-full one behind Foster's driver's seat. Under cross-examination, Bawn agreed Foster did not have difficulty walking and was not slurring his speech. Court heard Foster later blew a blood-alcohol reading of .15, which is nearly double the legal limit. Foster testified he drank four beers at work between 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. He said he then threw the empties into his car and drove home. He denied drinking in his car.
  18. I guess if you're named Bhumibol and you become king you'd want to create a law like this to stop the inevitable Bhumibol/bummybowl jokes. None of which I'm sure are funny.
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