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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Um Ms. Hux I think your avatar is broken, I've been clicking it for about 20 minutes now and nothing's happening
  2. where're you getting your chipnuts these days, Sweetcakes? Or did you stock up last time you went west? Those Munchies things pale in comparison to the real deal
  3. Then there's the old chestnut from André Williams, "Pussy Stank but So Do Marijuana" but I don't know any broads who don't like it
  4. not sure a hologram of any sort is going to legitimise this:
  5. this is why i don't usually listen to Sinatra first thing in the morning Doesn't like crap games, with sharpies and frauds Won't go to Haarlem in Lincolns or Fords Won't dish the dirt with the rest of the broads That's why the lady is a tramp
  6. to answer your questions TB, yes they certainly do count. I've never been a huge fan of them but it's also been years upon years since I've had one. And I do now get excited about the prospect of warm fresh bread products so I might be onboard with you on the pretzel wagon
  7. ... + Frank Zappa this could be the shortest QotD ever
  8. I'll start. The Who - Legal Matter Phish - Weigh (Brels had an anecdote about how he played Rift for his wife and as soon as she heard Weigh it was all over for her) On the flipside if any broads want to include songs that studs don't like, feel free (I always though that Wind beneath My Wings was about cooking chicken wings on an oven rack thingy)
  9. Is there no end o the lengths people will go to eat bacon in newer unhealthier ways? Not that this doesn't look good, mind you a bacon weave made out of a pound of bacon, filled with 2 pounds of Italian sausage and another pound of bacon
  10. Don't forget to tell the Elmdale Tavern owners to tip the delivery guy generously
  11. if you can get pizza you can get burgers btw, we live about a 5 minute walk from the Elmdale as well. never been though... yet
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