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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. don't block the doorway then LJFH- it was prolly ollie that was pushing you out of the way
  2. ANNNND I heard he used to force-feed his kids Iams
  3. My question is- how should they test their products then? I'd be willing to bet that most human foodstuffs are tested on (gasp) humans before they're made available to the general public. And I would further bet that this doesn't entail putting these test humans in cages and cramming food in their eyes while some sort of vice-like mechanism keeps their head in place anyway
  4. that bitching was actually gloating, son and there's no telling who's going to eventually land the takeover, if at all
  5. homeless guy, Toronto, a few years ago: "spare any change?" foolishly i reach into my pocket to give him something, he looks at what i'm about to hand him: "quarters or loonies only"
  6. the DIC conglomerate has pulled out of the takeover bid there are some angry people in dubai right now
  7. how about passing to the right!? you're walking down the street, 90% of people understand that you keep to the right in order to avoid bumping square into others but there's another 10% that have no clue whatsoever, these are the same people that seem to always have a perplexed look about them, like the world doesn't quite make sense to them
  8. sounds like yuo've got an ulterior motive not to be transparent
  9. You go girl- idiocy makes it entirely acceptable to be as rude as the situation merits, in my books Maybe even a little bit ruder, just to drive home the point
  10. nauseating and frightening I'm all for disliking other people but do it for the individual's sake not their race's
  11. Here it is, from the Ottawa Citizen: Canadians buck global trend, warm to U.S. role in world: poll -------------------------------------------------- Canadians' view of the role the United States is playing in the world improved in the last year, bucking international opinion, says a new poll. And the Harper government's effort to make nice with the U.S. is being credited for the change. The GlobeScan survey found that 55 per cent of Canadians think the U.S. is having a mainly negative influence in the world. A year ago, 60 per cent held that view. Thirty-four per cent judge U.S. influence to be mainly positive, compared to just 30 per cent a year ago. Canadians are almost alone in thinking better of the U.S. A 25-country survey released last week by GlobeScan found the global view of the American role in world affairs has deteriorated significantly in the past year. In the 18 countries where the question was asked in 2006, the average number who said the U.S. is having a mainly positive influence dropped by seven percentage points. The only other country where the view of American influence has improved was China. Negative perceptions there fell to 52 per cent from 62 per cent, while positive views rose to 28 per cent from 22 per cent. GlobeScan spokesman Oliver Martin said Canadians' opinions of the U.S. may have improved because of the warmer relationship the Harper government has fostered. "There have been fewer spats," he said, pointing to things like last year's agreement ending the long-running softwood lumber dispute. "Fewer Canadians are saying, 'It's an antagonistic relationship, blame it on the U.S.' They're seeing more of a positive relationship and saying, 'Well maybe the U.S. is not all that negative.' " Despite the improved perception of the U.S.'s world influence, Canadians generally mirror international disapproval of specific U.S. foreign policies. More than three-quarters of Canadians give a thumbs-down to U.S. policy in Iraq, while 68 per cent think the U.S. military presence in the Mideast is provoking more conflict than it prevents. Two-thirds disapprove of U.S. handling of last year's war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, and six in 10 think U.S. policy toward Iran's nuclear program is wrongheaded. On two questions, Canadians are even more critical than the global average. Three-quarters disapprove of U.S. treatment of detainees at Guantanamo and elsewhere, versus the global average of two-thirds. And 68 per cent dislike U.S. policy on global warming and climate change, compared to 56 per cent globally. The survey of 1,000 adults was conducted by GlobeScan during the last week of December and the first week of January. The margin of error in the survey is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, 19 times in 20.
  12. Torture Sours U.S.-Canadian Right-Wing Lovefest Interestingly-was it in this forum?- I read yesterday that Cdn anti-Americanism is down a bit, possibly (and partially) due to the softwood lumber deal. Of particular interest are the comments below the article, if you've got the time that is.
  13. Two things: Basic bus logistics. It drives me insane when you get on the bus and there are people standing in the aisle near the front of the bus, blocking everyone's path to the back- wtf? Go to the back that way you're only in a few people's path, not every single person's who gets on the bus! Very basic logic here. Also, that guy that gets on and moves to right in front of the rear door is an idiot as well We drive hwy 7 fairly often, a two lane highway with intermittent passing zones. The number one thing that drives me insane is that person who drives 80km/hr with a long line of cars behind them then SPEED UP once they get to the passing zone, thus restricting the number of cars that canget by, then SLOW DOWN again once they're past the passing zone! The passing zone isn't some sort of fucking mini race! ahhh that feels a little bit better
  14. holy sheepshit zero, did you drink an entire pot of coffee this morning?
  15. I'd recommend trying out their donair kits. Not the real thing or anything but I hear they're pretty good
  16. well for starters this one's going to involve nukes (imo), it's potentially another illegal war from an insane man at the helm of the world's most powerful country and is one of the main reasons why the doomsday clock is at 11:55, Beats. we're teetering baby
  17. Dibs on "Curt Wang and the Infinite Jest"
  18. My take: Real men are porky and hopeless and have fiery ailments but hope to open together the last portion of tomorrow's beef bourginon
  19. I thought the plan was to use duct tape
  20. as long as those children don't eat Iams I think you're safe, MOBE
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