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Posts posted by grateful_dave

  1. i personally prefer hot spice over hot sauce. i do love the rooster brand as far as sauces. its hot AND tastes good. i think too many sauces go straight for heat. were as spices add heat and flavour(in my opinion). i grew my own peppers this year. i grew habeneros, jalapenos, crimson hot, cherry hot, and cayenne. i have dried and ground these peppers and i now make my own spices which i can design how hot i like. i also make a nice blend of all of these that is hot but not deathly hot. now if i were to use just the straight ground habenoeros, well you can figure it out, seeings as habeneros are the worlds hottest pepper. i would like to plan on marketing my own hot spice some day, but until then ill just have to burn my ass by myself. actually, if anyone is interested, pt me and the first 5 people will get a free sample of grateful_dave's electric hots!!! hopefully on time for christmas so you can give a few friends or relatives the flaming arse for the holidays.

  2. knock it down to a couple of colours and i can do the screen printing, and probably still be able to keep it at a decent price! pm me if your serious about this. i do have large white, and all sizes of black on hand. but no girlie shirts yet!!! if women keep asking, im gonna have to start keeping them in stock! p.s., what is a girly shirt?

  3. brother micheal from the church of the universe should run for pm. and brother walter, as always, can be his trusted sidekick! those two make a team, and they couldnt do any worse than any elected governments we've had over the years.

    brothers micheal and walter

  4. i want to make up a christmas compilation. i know, cheesy!!! but hey, you gotta get in the spirit. i heard a jimmy buffett xmas song. it was "merry christmas" in hawaii'n. cool toon though. do any of your favorite bands play xmas singles?

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