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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. If it's a simple return, you should have no problem doing it yourself (mathematically challenged or not..follow the instructions and you can't go wrong).

    If you have more complex finances, you likely can't do it yourself, but if that's the case, don't go to H & R Block.

    I used to do my taxes myself with no trouble--until some complexity entered into it (mutual fund stuff, capital gains etc.).

    I took it to H & R Block, handed off all my info & documents. They called me and said, "The government says this isn't everything."

    I said,"What do you mean?"

    They said, "Apparently you left some stuff out."

    Me: "Um, but, I gave you everything."

    Them: "Well you have to tell us what information you're missing."

    I got my stuff back from them and had a real accountant take care of it (I felt better when he told me it was far too complicated for someone without a financial/accounting background to figure out my taxes. Apparently it was also too complex for H & R Block).

    Mad props to Basher's dad--keeping Julia out of jail on tax evasion since '03!

  2. Wow. 65.

    I feel compelled to spread the "donor rap" throughout today.

    "If you needed an organ, and someone else had an organ, wouldn't you want that someone to give you an organ? How about a piano...?"

    Mad love to Phil. We're all so happy you were born!

  3. Basher waxes eh? I never thought him to be a closeted metrosexual.

    My 875 page treatise on all the things in Basher's proverbial "closet" is currently at the printer's. Copies will be made available for the low, low introductory cost of $29.95--if you order now, you'll also get a knife that cuts through pop cans!

  4. And I quote (my friend Paul) circa 2003 after a Neil Young show at the AAC:

    "What are we doing now? What's going on?"

    "Nothing--it's Monday. Nothing's going on."

    "Somebody should make Mondays better."

    I immediately identified the above quote as GENIUS--the "pass the buck" styling, the denigration of an entire day of the week, the hopefulness that Mondays CAN be better.


    And the Gypsy Jams definitely make Mondays better.


  5. Ah, but all this speculation about and judging of the 'youth of today' makes me feel old ...

    Speaking of feeling old, I went to see a movie last weekend and one of the commercials before the movie was a pair of "boring parents" trying to entertain their brood with failed attempts at being hip (i.e. bustin' a move whilst rapping "Let Your Backbone Slide").

    The people behind me were confused, "What does it mean to let your backbone slide?"

    Old. Getting old.

    I think I need to let my backbone slide to feel young again.

  6. Man, I was so shy at that age. Who pulled these gals aside and taught them to be so slutty?

    You know the handbook we all got when we were adolescents? The one with the instructions on "how to remove your bra without taking off your shirt" etc.? It's been revised and updated for a new generation.

    This flippant, wry observation brought to you by the number 13 and the letters s (e, x & y).

  7. What about shredding it and forgetting about it? Banks make mistakes all the time, so do most businesses for that matter. It shouldn't happen, but let's face it, it does.

    Perhaps I can't effect change by complaining or alerting people--but then again, perhaps I can.

    This is a pretty egregious error (particularly considering the increase in identify theft these days)--and if there's a chance a company might become more cautious about security because of my complaint, than I think it's my duty to register that complaint.

  8. I'd think it would be up to the other woman to lodge any kind of complaint. Was your privacy intruded upon? Maybe she doesn't want the attention, if you bring it on her she could probably bring action against your for invading HER privacy...

    Just a thought.


    No, my privacy wasn't invaded, per se--but I believe I can still make a complaint about the bank and their practices based on the fact that they clearly don't have very stringent privacy standards. (And, based on this occurrence, the inferrence is that my information could just as easily be shared without my knowledge or consent).

    Perhaps I'll consult our company's privacy commissioner--she may have some advice.

  9. hahahaha

    Basher and I were laughing our asses off making up scenarios for this woman (based on overhearing her talking to her son and his friend)....

    "Okay, we'll get you home and you'll get right in the shower to wash all that hair off. Right after Mommy blasts a nug."

  10. So I got some documents in the mail from the Royal Bank regarding my RRSPs (a letter and a form to sign & return).

    There was one additional document in the envelope. It was a print out of ANOTHER client's information--name, address, phone number, account number, transit number etc.

    I'm perplexed as to where I should direct my anger & concern. Do I make a complaint with the governmental privacy commision? Do I call this woman up and alert her to the bank's misdeed? Obviously I want to yell at someone at the bank, but who? Or do I alert the media--they love this kind of sh!t.


  11. " Can I smell your bag dudette? I believe is the appropriate response...

    You're the only who goes around asking to smell people's bags, Bob.

    Actually, come to think of it, you might want to speak to number2--apparently, his action is heating up nicely. :)

  12. This pales in comparison to number2 being propositioned, but I'm going to share anyway:

    Basher and I went to get our collective hairs cut on Saturday. We arrived at the salon, sans appointment(s), and were told that it would only be a few minutes wait.

    In the meantime, Basher decided to nip in for a quick leg and bikini wax (don't judge him).

    Anyway, as we were sitting there waiting, forced to peruse years-old copies of In Style to pass the time (Did you know Alicia Silverstone finds rainy days "icky"? Consider yourself edified), I found my eyes wandering in boredom.

    My gaze wandered hither & thither...returning to a scintillating article on the importance of Feng Shui to one's pets...

    Suddenly, my brain alerted me that something my eye had spied was dissonant, incongruous...(it was a very "one of these things is not like the other" moment).

    I paused in my reading. I realized what it was that my brain had subconsciously registered. I thought to myself, "There's no way I just saw that."

    But I looked again, just to be sure, fully expecting that I had misread the situation.

    Nope, the brain was correct.

    Seated beside me on the faux leather waiting room couch was a well-dressed woman waiting for her child to get his hair cut. Her son's friend was with them. His coat and her purse were between us. Her purse, a stylish clutch, was wide open.

    Sticking out of her open bag and plainly visible to all was a plump baggie laden with big fat nugs.

    Is this normal? Hip, urban mothers on Saturday errands--haircut, groceries, score...?

    "How much for the haircut? Oh, one moment, I had my wallet a while ago when I visited my dealer..let me just move my giant bag of weed to the side of my purse..."

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