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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. I'm so unhappy with Basher's week..it's so not fair..I mean, the guy should have *great* karma.

    There's a cosmic karmic universal imbalance existing right now--I predict he wins the Super 7 tonight. That's something that might rebalance the universe.

  2. Warren does the unthinkable--actually makes me enjoy a song by U2 (particularly one that was and continues to be ridiculously overplayed..)

    I mean, I'd sure as hell prefer to hear Warren sing something--anything--else, but I when he's playing & singing, I enjoy it just the same.

    I actually never enjoyed the song "Into the Mystic" at all until I heard Warren sing it with Phil & Friends...that version makes me melt.

    Ah, Warren. I love you so.

  3. The ladder thread got me thinking about my old friend, The Pizzafork:


    What WILL they think of next??

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "It's a crazy world. Someone oughta sell tickets."*

    *First person who can name this quote wins a prize from Stoned Phillips. I give great prizes.

  4. I initially thought this thread was very enthusiastically entitled “I found the lightswitch of my dreams!!!”

    And I thought, “That’s great…and kind of weird…how many kinds are there? Do people really get multiple-exclamation-mark-excited for certain types of lightswitches? What constitutes a good vs bad lightswitch? And what makes it the lightswitch of your dreams?”

    If I could harness the brain cells wasted pondering such trivialities, I’d be a genius for SURE! The possibilities are truly dizzying…

  5. When I was little, about 10 years old I think, I was staying with the neighbours for a couple of weeks because my dad was away on training.

    One morning, we were all going to have cereal for breakfast. They had a wide assortment, from Rice Krispies, to various sugary cereals to Bran Flakes.

    The other kids chose Cap’n Crunch and Sugar Pops.

    I chose Bran Flakes.

    They all started laughing and told me it was an old people’s cereal and that it would make me poo.

    It was my favourite! What did I know?

    Stupid jerks made me cry. And I didn’t even get to have my Bran Flakes. I was far too mortified.

  6. I have a theory (well, I have several theories, but only one of them happens to be apropos for this discussion):

    The world can be equally divided into 2 groups:

    a) Those who are eternally perplexed and utterly irritated by "I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)" and spend inordinately large amounts of time pondering the hidden meaning;


    B) Those that just accept it for what it is and don't give it another thought until they are forced to ponder the Meat Loaf due to an encounter with someone from group a) [aka the "Don't Give a sh!t About the Loaf" group]

    I'm a member of the latter group, but I've come across my fair share of the former group and they're incredibly passionate about the cause!

  7. Speaking from years of geekcentric board experiences, I have to say, your perception of changing attitudes, discussions, moods & topics is not wrong, nor is it rare.

    This place, like life, television and the people that hang out on the steps of the church on the corner, goes through cycles.

    I guarantee the conversations will make their way back to the music...and I look forward to reading and participating in everything in between.


    In the meantime, let's talk about something else fun...I'll give you a topic...

    Saucy Lingerie: Necessary Sexy Indulgence or Waste of Money--Discuss!

  8. Can I presume that the employee from your first post (Stoned Phillips) was not given a particularly strong letter of reference?

    That's a 10-4, good buddy. I liked how they apparently tried to avoid burning any bridges with the "have a nice life" and "Sincerely" parts.

    Oh, and, they also made about 50 copies of their letter of resignation and handed it out to all the other employees at that particular theatre--nice!

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