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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Dear everyone,

    If nero is willing to play a Bon Jovi song, I'll come to Ottawa for stinkin' NYE....

    (I'm not actually sure why I have this unyielding obsession for nero to play a Bon Jovi song, but it's pretty pervasive...I thought it might go away when I heard the New Deal cover a Bon Jovi song--it was sweet!--but it hasn't. I STILL want nero to do one..not only that, I want Chris to rock his little rockstar heart out on vocals.)

    Also, he might cease being dead to me for taking my sister far away.



    If I push for this (even though I HATE Bon Jovi!) will I cease to be dead to you too?



    Please let me know ASAP if that's going to happen so I can plan my holidays accordingly.

    Also, what's up with the world peace I ordered? Basher got his penis cozy, I'm pretty sure Jay got his gold, lame pants (with trapdoor bum)--what's up with my order??

  2. Dear everyone,

    If nero is willing to play a Bon Jovi song, I'll come to Ottawa for stinkin' NYE....

    (I'm not actually sure why I have this unyielding obsession for nero to play a Bon Jovi song, but it's pretty pervasive...I thought it might go away when I heard the New Deal cover a Bon Jovi song--it was sweet!--but it hasn't. I STILL want nero to do one..not only that, I want Chris to rock his little rockstar heart out on vocals.)

    Also, he might cease being dead to me for taking my sister far away.



  3. Stoned Phillips I am getting on board with your position. As I write this, I am playing hooky from a Christmas Decoration party going on in our lobby. (I think the fact that I'm Jewish, though, held a bit more weight on this issue; as oppposed to the issue over having a poinsettia in my office.)

    Right on, man! Fight the Yuletide power!!

    Sunshine, your advice is sage. And, believe me, I have been honest in the past. People think I'm silly, though, half the time..they try to convince me that I'm wrong or they don't really believe what I'm saying.."C'mon, don't you want to open presents?"

    Nope. That's the point. This is my position and I'd appreciate that it be respected.

    But for those of you who love Christmas--more power to ya!! Jingle all the way, baby!

    If I was wholly honest, I'd also mention that one of the reasons I don't do Christmas is because it's a sad time of year for me (which people understand better than my anti-commercialization stance), but those reasons aren't necessarily my co-workers' business.

  4. ...and other fun tidbits from '04...


    Best of 2004: From the Artists' Perspective

    Mike Gordon - Phish

    Best Albums of 2004

    Toots and the Maytals - True Love

    With people like "Trey" - True to the old classics, with fresh blood added

    Mark O'Connor - Appalachian Swing

    Especially, "Limelight" - fiddle song with classical fervor

    Joey Arkenstat - Bane

    Damn, that guy rocks

    Favorite Live Performance of 2004

    Ben Harper with Blind Boys of Alabama, The Apollo

    Liked it 1000 times better than BH in VT a few years ago.

    Orchestra Baobab, Higher Ground, VT, April

    Closing of Higher Ground, old location. Mystical, danceable, emotional.

    Ricky Skaggs, Mark O’Connor, NY, October

    O’Connor had great jazz trio, Skaggs had Wycliff Gordon on Trombone.

    Favorite On-Stage Moment/Show of 2004

    Final Phish set at Alpine Valley, June


    With band, "Thought" in Buffalo, Sept.

    Was a tiny bar; felt good. great drummer and bass-trumpeter

    With Russo/Benevento Duo, BB Kings, NY, June Unrehearsed, we clicked with unexpected magic

    Classic Album or Artist You Rediscovered This Year

    Leo Kottke - Standing In My Shoes

    Produced by David Z, who will be working with Leo and me in Dec '04

    Tim and Mollie O'Brien - Away Out on the Mountain

    Learned several of the songs on here

    Diblo with Loketo - Super Soukous

    These are classic to me

    Artist You Are Most Excited About in 2005

    Russell Batiste

    I just want him to release the album I played on, with other great cuts.


    I need to develop this kind of arrogance to help launch the solo career.

    Someone I haven't discovered yet.

    Perhaps I'll discover in "March" or "June." Would have great clarinet and tabla.

    Best New Gadget You Can't Live Without

    What I call "The Flashlight of Life" - from Sharper Image

    Battery lasts 10 years, is 100 times brighter than Maglight™.

    The Mac G5 tower

    It's quieter, which could be great for soft recording on the computer.

    Mosquito Magnet

    Clears two acres of mosquitos. Bought it, but haven't plugged it in yet. Is this okay for vegans?.

    New Hobby Discovered This Year


    Taking lessons - the Schoenberg course - with Paul Caputo, NY.


    nuff said.



    Guilty Pleasure of the Year

    Law and Order

    Best while eating ice cream

    Oatmeal cookie ice cream B&J's.

    It's the cinnamon background that gets me

    Expensive Sunglasses

    Planet Eyewear, Atlanta

    The Retro Comeback You're Hoping for in 2005?

    Neon green.

    Rotary Dial

    I'd like to see this on a cell phone.


    Not really.

    Selection for Person of the Year

    Jared Slomoff

    Runs my production co. Talented, Friendly. Phish folks love him. Call him. He'll make you a great album.

    John Quincy Adams

    Long dead, but his quote in Imperial Hubris about not "spreading democracy" is valid.

    Ned Kahn

    Designer of nature-like sculptures (The Exploratorium and elsewhere) - saw his very inspiring lecture

    A Memorable Moment From the Road in 2004

    Had "last lunch" with just the band in exotic Philly sushi joint, Morimoto. Games like: "favorite moment of debauchery".

    Driving away from the last Phish concert ever had poignancy.

    Lost camera in Vegas casino; pic of cucumbers in Trey's eyes would have been Undermind cover. Was returned too late.

  5. It's okay for kids. The problem is that there's not a whole lot in it for adults..I think we've been spoiled by movies like Shrek that are hilarious for the whole family.

    I was disappointed in Elf, because I love Will Ferrell. But kids would like it methinks.

    That being said, I think my favourite Will Ferrell performance was in the movie "Dick" (damn fine satire, I highly recommend it).

  6. Why is Hamilton always such a good time?

    Until I started going to shows at PepperJack's, I was only peripherally aware that there was a city attached to the skyway...(Toronto snobbery at its finest)...I've been schooled. Hamilton is a rockin' good time.


    Great to see everyone and nice to meet some new folks, too!

    Karen--Let me know when you want to do dinner! Hope you had a good birthday! :)

    Hey, Hux, do me a favour? Can you let your hair grow out a little bit? You're gradually turning into the poster child for "The Man".

  7. What were your favourite movie(s) of the year?

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is not just my favourite movie of the year, but is in my all-time favourite Top Five.

    I loooved "Garden State" (rent it! It's beautiful!)

    And for mad genius & hilarity--Team America: World Police. Toooo funny.

  8. Just say that you've never experienced the holidays outside of prison and you don't buy anything because you know Santa will come through.

    Stress the fact that you truely believe in Santa and that you don't want to piss him off because you know that he is also God. How can he fly around the planet and deliver presents in one night without ALSO being God.

    If he tells you that santa and God are 2 different things, start getting all pissed off and scared because you got them confused and now God AND Santa are pissed at you.

    That just might be crazy enough to work...

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