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-=The Phish Mixed Disc Project=-


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I have one like that from tungstengruvsten who made a funky mixed Phish cd, with all live versions crossfaded to sound like a "dream setlist".

Funny you should say a funk cd, that is the type he mixed down including "Meat", "Boogie on Reggae Woman", "Wolfmans Brother" etc.

Great idea, let me know if I can get in the final product.

It's also a cool idea to make your dream set, say including all of your favorite songs etc.


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What a cool idea, Tungsten! I was just commenting to MK the other day that I was surprised that more of this type of thing hasn't been happening. Maybe it has been but I am unaware. Chris Mulligan was mentioning something he downloaded where 2 bands (SCI and Phish, I think) were combined - pan left and it is SCI, pan right and it is Phish, pan center and it is both. As well, what is that Dead disc where a bunch of Dark Stars are combined into 1 long one?

I would love a copy of anything that you create, but my vote goes to a Phunky Phish disc. I personally love the 7-23-99 Polaris Ampitheatre Ghost => Free, but unfortunately I can't help you out with a clean copy as mine has an annoying pop during Free. Also, is it even possible to get soundboard copies of some of the funky stuff from the past few years?

Have fun and I'll see you soon!

Peace, Mark

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more and more stuff is coming up dank - the soundboards are few and far between but usually it's the crowd noise that is hardest to match so they are ideal. Just recently Rochester 12-11-97 came out(what a show!) which is cool cause I hardly even remember being there...a blur of stickers and flailing and teachers with contraband.

The Dead one you are thinking of is Plunderphonics by John Owsley(i think)--that one moment when 52 Jerry Garcia's sing 'darkkkkkkstarrrrrr....' is mind-numbing.

Something similar yet phish related-i've been toying with this notion for awhile, just gotta get everything in the studio up and online!

Even stuff like the Island run in 98 and 12-29/30 97 have gems, maybe someone has kick-ass copies of these...

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dude - i wouldn't even suggest anything for the cd but that's the best idea i've heard in a very long time. if it weren't such a taboo i'd even offer to buy them from you...or send the money i'd use to buy the cd's to a charity or someting.

seriously, dude. if you make those CD's - any of them or all of them - i'd love to be able to hear them.


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Gotta couple recording projects coming up this spring and I need to do some warm up work:

i have a proposition: A while ago I made some mixed discs of Phish tunes....I mean really mixed....I wanted to make the seques between songs as unnoticeable as possible(it's a challenge!) and recreate the flow so as not to distract me or any other listener from the music itself. Well after several attempts I have the hang of it and I want to try my hand 'remixing' some CD's of Phish tunes...

I'm not going to actually 'remix' the songs by changing them, but rather build a CD of tunes and redo how the tracks segue into one another...I can change the key they are jamming in, the speed, overlay parts, etc to make tunes flow from one to the next.

I'd make each of these CD's one CD long. For now, I'll pick one that looks like it has the most potential...

1.The Superset- your fave versions of songs from any date/any year.

2.The Funk Mix- any date/year-fave funk stuff (eg: meat, gotta jiboo, meatstick, boogie on, moma, etc...even a funk jam in a song)

3.The Year Flip- Take your favourite set from a given year. Recreate it with the same tunes from a different year/tour.

4.The Mike's Extenda Groove- Take a typical Mike's Groove lineup. Take each song from a different show and rebuild the Mike's Groove. Variations could include using the same tour exclusively or different years even.

Of course if there's songs/segues that should be included as one big piece then that's acceptable too....as well as funk jams within songs.

So I think it would be fun to get suggestions from you guys since we're all in this together(and we love to take a bath)

Here's what's helpful:

Tell me which of those CD's sounds most appealing to you. Maybe you even have suggestions for the whole thing or just a few tunes-anything and everything comes in handy.

Now-If we can get connected online-let's make this all really easy and let me download the tracks from you that you suggest. Maybe someone you know on Direct Connect has them-at the very minimum I can search for the suggestions on DC. These discs will be realized a lot faster if I spend the time working on them and not searching out the tracks I need. I don't need to DL everything you suggest, and i have a whack of Phish SHN's kicking around here so I'll have to figure out what I would need and then we could go from there. Just food for thought.

Soundboards/DNK shows are preferred for their superior sound(hey if yer gonna do it right...)


And just so ya know;

I'm a huge phan and in no way am I trying to alter Phish's work. I'm sure I'll piss off a purist or two but hey, even Phish plays songs that I don't necessarily like. What I'm trying to say is to each his own. If you don't like it, don't listen!

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Ok, how 'bout this...


A-la Greyfolded, a 1 disc reconstruction of a single phish song with several versions melted together.

My vote: GHOST

The guts of my GHOST:





12-11-97 (audience source for consistency)



4-4-98 (maybe just the introduction to it "this next song is radio UNFRIENDLY...")

8-2-97 (don't have it but remember it being particularly sick)


I have outstanding audience recordings of all of the above except the Gorge show (8/2), on either DAT or CD. I have SBDs of the Rochester and Fuji Fest 7-30-99. If you're up for the challenge, drop me a line, I'll hook you up.

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keepin it phunky so I'm stickin mainly with fall 97.

11.22.97 Hampton-Black Eyed Katey

3.1.97 Hamburg- Cities

12.6.97 Auburn Hills- jam after Izabella (the funk break down!)

12.29.97 MSG- Tube

7.17.98 Gorge- Weekapaug

4.5.98 Providence jam->Cavern

9.29.01 Vegas Moma Dance

I kinda like the idea of opening with Black Eyed Katie and closing with Moma...a little evolution.

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11-22-97 Halleys>Tweezer

04-02-98 Tube

04-03-98 Roses>Piper

07-02-98 Ghost>Jim

07-17-98 Also "Scrack"

If you want to really simplify your task, just make a copy of the second set for 11-22-97:

Set 2: Halley's Comet > Tweezer > Black Eyed Katy > Piper > Run Like An Antelope

Yeah, that Ghost must be something else on 12-07 Dr Gigg. It failed to make any setlist I have ever seen and somehow failed to make it on the cd I own. Can you get me a copy?

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Doh confused.gif" border="0 Your absolutly right Booche....its the Reba alone that's sick on that disk......Im on a Reba fettish and the cd player must have skipped. The Ghost is from Desert Sky 7-21-98......sorry and the reba that is on this disc (7-21-98) does not appear to be from this show. Killer Reba though wink.gif" border="0

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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Ok Eric,

Here is my contribution:

Black Eyed Katy 11.22.97----->

Sneakin Sally from encore 12.30.97---->

Ghost>Lizards 4.4.98---->

Drowned>Roses 12.11.97---->

Boogie on> Reba 12.7.97

Hows that for hours of quiet meditation.

Or one just for you my red faced, teeth ginding, fist pumping tour buddy:

I Saw it Again 12.12.97---->

Carini>Halleys Comet 4.3.98---->

Bowie 8.2.98(cause you were in a hotel in Indy)->

Whipping Post 7.25.99---->

Axilla 7.26.99---->

Piper 12.31.99---->

Misty Mtn Hop 7.20.99(cause we were dumb)

Eat your heart out, Ointment Brother!


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