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What was your first car? your favourite car? and/or what are you driving now?

mine was a huge 4 dr 87 chevy caprice that use to belong to the firechief - so full police pack plus shock kit - that baby opened full and ROARED!

(put me in the poor house over gas though!)

now im driving a 91 grand prix, also a very smooth ride with ultimate passing power and super wide wheelbase (i actually love my old car - i really should tune her up)

how about you?

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My first car was a Subaru Chaser....I totaled in in an accident.

My second car was a Plymouth K-Car.....I totaled it in an accident.

My third car was a Ford Escort.....I totaled it in an accident.

My fourth car was a Optimum.....I had it for three weeks and then.....I totaled it in an accident.

I now own a bicycle.

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I can't believe that you can even ride a bike!

There must at least be training wheels on it wink.gif" border="0

I bought a 79 Honda Accord for 200 bucks that never got safetied.

Then I "inherited" a Honda Accord from the folks for a while...

Moved on to my first purchased car with a Nissan Sentra AKA The Garbage. I drove an entire winter without any brakes! Gotta love standards.

Inherited a Buick Skylark from Myrna. Drove it into the ground.

Now I have an Intrepid.

I really don't know what kind of car I'd really want. I'm just happy to be able to drive anywhere.

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Wow...Sounds like my car luck...

#1 1979 Chev Caprice...I remember being in the shop to put new brakes on it. The mechanic took one of the wheels off and said "Jesus Christ" that pretty much sums it up...

#2 1984 Ford Tempo...If that idiot hadn't rear ended me I'm sure I would still be driving that thing now...Vinyl seats, and a phat stereo!

#3 1988 Ford Tempo...Biggest mistake in a vehicle purchase...Holes in the floor, 3 am break downs in Aylmer, driver's seat permanently reclined...Junk!

#4 1988 Pontiac Bonneville...Great car, big, ran great, right into a head on collision on April Fools day at around 7 am...Called my folks and they didn't believe me...

#5 1988 Pontiac Bonneville SE...Another sweet car, this one had all the bells and whistles and a sweet stereo...Unfortunately it had a run in with an undercover Ottawa Police jeep, and wasn't the same since...

#6 2000 Honda Civic...Yowsers what a change this car has been...It runs great, no problems...Have had some bad luck though...Got sideswiped 3 weeks after I got it(brand new), the love of my life put a huge hole in the front bumper on Xmas eve, had it repaired, only to have some idiot at Staples Business Depot run into the car and put a nice new dent into it...

Maybe it's time for me to get a bike!!!

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fun thread...

first car was an 85 buick century wagon..wood panels and all. drove the phatty wagon into the ground..

bought an 84 buick skylark for 200 off of a family friend. 3 days later it got smacked by a construction truck and put a nice big dent in the side.."collect $500 dollars for passing go (insurance) and go straight to jail (not really)". so yeah, i collected insurance money and got PAID to take this car. The brakes were so tight on this thing that id go speeding down streets as fast as i could and then stand on the brakes, sending me screetching and spinning through 4 way stops. i can still see the looks from other drivers....

current car, 90 Saab Turbo.

Id really like to own a toyota truck. im convinced that these things are the way to go for driving in the bush. last forever....

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my first car was a 1984 volvo 240. the white knight. a year younger than me. it lasted through about 4 accidents (give or take a few), until it finally got totalled. now i am driving a grey 1991 infiniti. the antenna recently fell off, and there is a dent in the gas tank, which worries me every time i fill her up. bitchin ride, though.

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My first car was a red 1967 Beaumont ( mint condition ), which I shared with my father - I drove it in high school in the mid 80's. Then, I inherited a white, 1986 Mazda 626 in 1996 from my dad. Now I drive a silver 2000 Mazda Protege with a Phish sticker in my back windshield. Zoom Zoom Zoom.

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scottieking checkin in early today....

There's only been one car to the car I've had previous to this one (97 Grand Am) and that was...

WHITE LIGHTNING! 1989 Chevy Corsica (1998-2001)

So named from the quote in Dazed and Confused "See White Lightning over there, you gotta get some shoes for this thing, man"

So beloved was this car to me. As the back filled with stickers, the backseat filled with garbage, the trunk with anything you could think of from King Lear to a single piece of firewood,the years piled on. It was faithful as a slot machine. But time and time again, breakdown after accident after winter after summer, it stayed alive. Whenever people called me from afar, they would always ask "How's White Lightning doing?" Some of you have even met her. She's been to tons of shows. But alas, it came time to move on. White Lightning was bleeding three colours and the engine block cracked two years before didn't look like it was going to hang on any longer. I broke it off this past fall, thinking for sure to wreckers she'd go.

UNTIL I driving back from my parents place and lo and behold, on a main street in Walkerton, in the freezing cold, parked but still alive, there she was. Still had my stickers on her, still alive. It made me feel good somehow to know she's still alive, still OK.

But that doesn't mean I don't miss her. Everyday. frown.gif" border="0

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my first car doesn't count.....brand new off the lot 1985 honda civic. i kept it 3 years and had 3 major accidents.

then, like a mirage, i saw my car on a used car lot, april 22, 1988. 1983 saab 900 turbo. black and beautiful. i was home for my father's 50th birthday and was supposed to be driving back to michigan that night for school. i didn't. the next day, i bought my dream car. i drove it for 8 and a half years, and put 300,000 kms on her, until sept. 4 1996, when an old man made a left hand turn into me and totalled my beautiful lola. (she walked like a woman and talked like a man). i refused to let the insurance company keep her when they totalled it. they gave me $500 less to save her from the scrap heap, and she sits (a little crunched up) in my parents back yard, with manicured grass growing around her. this, my friends, is a true story.

as soon as i had mourned an appropriate amount of time (2 months) i started a search for her replacement. i found a 1990 saab 900. i drove to toronto from kingston on a blind mission because of an ad in the toronto star. and when i pulled up to test-drive the car, i noticed a 'days of you' sticker on the back window and a 'st. stvn' license plate. it was steve himel's car. i bought it and although it needs some work right now, it will be back on the road soon.

that, is just a peek at my love affair with my cars (or shall i say, saabs)

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My first, a black '85 Jeep that I fixed up (it had no floor in it when I got it) Drove that sucker for a while untill I returned home from a summer tour and "presto" no mo Jeep. Parents sold it on me without me knowing...AND for less then I paid for the damn thing and it took me a summer to put the new floor in (and quite a bit a cash too)...AND, I never got the money for it!!!

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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My first car was an '82 Buick Skylark. Had a good pile of fun in that.

Next was my favourite - my red '84 Toyota mini van. I put over 250,000 on that one; two Dead tours, many, many road trips, my first couple of years at university...The Big Red Tomato was good to me. Very funky curtains too.

Presently driving a '99 Honda Accord. Cruise control and air conditioning. It took me 16,000 kms last summer to the deserts and back with zero hassle. I love it loads, and I never get "the Fear" when I'm on road trips anymore.

My dream vehicle: A '92 Ford e350 handicapped bus converted into a rock 'n roll touring dream machine. Return of "the Fear".

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