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Sunship 12/27/2002 download...


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Now thats a sweet line up if I ever saw one.

12/27/2002 - Late Night Show

Sunship @ Studio Z, San Francisco, CA


Robert Walter (Greyboy Allstar)

Alan Hertz (Garaj Mahal)

Eric Levy (Garaj Mahal)

Brian Jordan (Karl Denson's Tiny Universe)

Will Bernard (T.J. Kirk)

Fareed Haque (Garaj Mahal)

Liam Hanrahan (Melvin Seals, Zero)

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Wow! I had no idea my recording was even circulating! So for those of you who have downloaded it and are interested in a nice CD cover, my friend larry fox made me a .PDF for jewel case covers for the show.

You can get it here:


So... anyone come up with a setlist for me?!? All I remember is they played Taxman, which seemed to go on forever!

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