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Bonnaroo breaks the rules....Discuss

Northern Wish

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The fate of the festival scene is apparently in the hands of those organizing the Bonnaroo festival (Superfly I think?)...... I heard yesterday from a reliable source within the old school Phish scene about some bad vibes being given off by the Bonnaroo organizers. Apparently (and others on the board will have more detailed info I'm sure) when booking these festivals an artist signs a contract that basically states that for their fee the are not allowed to play any other festivals within a certain mile radius within a specified amount of time (I think 500 miles was the ordinance for GOTVibes). This is to keep the interest in the festival, so that people will come because it is their only chance to see certain artists in that particular area despite paying for a larger chunk of talent. This has been a rule of the festival scene for years and has been abided by everyone to make sure that everyone involved makes their chunk of cash and the scene can continue.......

I heard from my source that to book the talent they need to sell the $180 tickets, Bonnaroo is simply offering the artists a buttload of money and paying the fines they incur by breaking the rules. The artist in question was Warren Haynes who simply said that the Superfly folks were offering him far too much money and were going to pay his fines to the other festivals he is involved with- that he just couldn't pass it up.

I wish I had more details, or could write more but work calls- I just thought this was an underhanded way of making sure the Bonnaroo experience is laden with talent- no matter whose toes they step on in the process.

I guess it'd be nice to know how much of the ticket price is going to the artists themselves, and how much of it is going to pay fines for breaking the rules of engagement in the summer festival scene.

To quote Beavis:

"Breakin the Law, Breakin the Law!"


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How about waiting to sell out a festival in Tennessee BEFORE even announcing that a festival would be happening in New York state?

Yeah, that Superfly crew seems like good guys.

I tell ya, with a new mega-festival popping up every week, promoters must be making a killing. They're jumping all over "jambands" as the next big thing... I fear over exposure...

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Originally posted by AD:


Originally posted by Northern Wish:

Apparently (and others on the board will have more detailed info I'm sure) when booking these festivals an artist signs a contract that basically states that for their fee the are not allowed to play any other festivals within a certain mile radius within a specified amount of time (I think 500 miles was the ordinance for GOTVibes).

Allman Bros and Spearhead are plying in Ottawa the same weekend as the Vibes, and I'm sure we're closer than 500 miles from Mariaville. Maybe there is a buffer distance that artists do give up though, perhaps smaller.

Alternatively, perhaps the fact that there is a border separating the two locations would allow this...
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Originally posted by dave-O:

They're jumping all over "jambands" as the next big thing... I fear over exposure...

My humble opinion is that people should have more Dave-O guitar playin exposure. [big Grin]

And there is a multi-national, insurance-based,

profit-driven cabal, that (when it hits their radar screen) wants to suck blood like a vampire.

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5 years ago people were begging for a company like Superfly to come along, now there's a backlash. I don't see why really... Bonnaroo is what, $3 per band? I pay 3 bucks cover at a bar, of course I'll pay $3 to see The Dead!

I say thank you to Superfly. No backlash from me. They've done well at JazzFest (remember Oysterhead? Thanks, Superfly!) why not expand and put lots of wicked bands in one spot for a weekend or two? I honestly don't see the problem.

I'd be more pissed at Phish than Superfly. One weekend (2 days, not 3) to see one band for more money. That's a ripoff as far as I'm concerned.

Flame away


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Really interesting NW. The way I see it is that our whole movement is built on a grassroots base and if Bonnaroo (supposedly the culmination of the festival scene) is breaking the etiquette, then they're screwing over decades of progress. They're burning bridges. No good as far as I can tell. [Frown]

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I have wondered about some of the payrolls of these bands.

Ticket prices have gone skyhigh, and festivals arent really festivals when you look at the price of them.

Have payrolls taken the same jump?

I would hope so......................

If that story is true about Warren, I can see why he did it. I probably would too. You have to make a living somehow.

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You have to make a living somehow.

The man plays in five bands a year, i'm sure he's not strapped for cash. Rather he sees the money signs, then asks where to sign.

Never was the hugest warren fan, stuff like this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

He's just screwing over the fan/music/and venue's by just taking the money, and playing anyways.

Fug em.

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Originally posted by Northern Wish:

Apparently (and others on the board will have more detailed info I'm sure) when booking these festivals an artist signs a contract that basically states that for their fee the are not allowed to play any other festivals within a certain mile radius within a specified amount of time (I think 500 miles was the ordinance for GOTVibes).

Allman Bros and Spearhead are plying in Ottawa the same weekend as the Vibes, and I'm sure we're closer than 500 miles from Mariaville. Maybe there is a buffer distance that artists do give up though, perhaps smaller.

If true that's too bad, but that's how you build a successful business model. It's like franchising rights and distance rights... As for what somebody said about Bonnaroo leaving a bad taste in your mouth: It might indeed, but ultimately I am going to Bonnaroo to see many many bands that I really want to see. I could care less about the politics from June 13-15. I'll be concentrating on my bottle of Rye =)



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It is standard policy to include restrictions on when and where bands can play in live show contracts. I've neve heard of any "fines" as such, but you risk being blacklisted by a promoter or facing legal action (for breaking a legal contract).

It's true that the mega festivals have corupted our peacefull sceen, but thats the nature of big business (and american culture in general, the midas touch, everything corperate america touches turns to shit). You can't expect a festival with a 12 million dollar gross to opperate without lawyers.

Vote with you pocketbook. If you don't want the convience / anoyance / exposure of the mega festivals, then don't attend them.

Personally I had a great time at bonnaroo last year, but I love music and I can enjoy a good jam in the most inhospitable conditions.



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This thread has gone in so many different directions I'm not sure where to go first. First I personally don't like the way Superfly (allegedly??) does business. As Sean said it seems underhanded. Sounds like Wal-mart mentality to me...and if you don't know what I mean by that go watch a Michael Moore movie. As for the over-exposure...well it'll happen. I don't care, but it will happen. Maybe then Phish shows won't sell out in 10 minutes. At least then I can go to a show without getting elbowed by some jackass next to me, who thinks its his right to give me a black eye. As for the festival scene in general, its really not my thing. I don't care that I can see 150 bands in 3 days...that's not what I like to do. I'd rather pay more to see Phish by themselves (for hours) than see ALL the bands at Bonneroo for 1 hour each. Most of the bands I am interested in I have already seen, including the Dead...except back when I saw them they were still grateful [smile]

Unfortunately I can't help but think of all the "politics"...just the way I am...I really don't want to experience that bad feeling I had watching the events of the Dead's last tour again. Even hippies can be assholes...and I think I just proved that!


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