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Free Ice Cream


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deadly [big Grin] i havent had good news like this since my buddy started working for ben n jerrys, his freezer is STOCKED


Try X-Treme Berry Sherbet or Oreo® X-Mint, two of the new flavors inspired by Twentieth Century Fox's new movie X2: X-Men United

ill try it, as long as it isnt that damn new mint sprite

why would you want mint soda? its like bubbly gum or mouthwash or something

i reccommend everyone stay away from sprite ice, unless u dig drinkable mint

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i thought the sprite ice was . . . unique . . i didnt mind it. i liked that 7up trpoical splash that came out last summer. the first time i had it was after a day-long mushroomd adventure int eh schorching heat with nthing to drink for like 7 hours. damn was it good

anyone remember orbitz? i used to love that shit. if anyone knows where i can get some id pay good money . . .

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Originally posted by bsherman:

Now if only they had good VEGAN ice cream!

Luckily, there's a B-R outlet a short walk from my place, and since I had to head out for some errands last night, I dropped by (and indulged in a cone of jamocha almond fudge...mmmm...fudge...).

B-R does have ices, sherbets, and sorbets, I believe; would these qualify as vegan?



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