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Dekcuf Open Jam Videos!


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If you head to Cafe Dekcuf's web page, and click on the Open Jam link, there are now two video montages from two different nights. One's a QuickTime video, the other a Windows Movie; both are short, 10s of seconds, and in B&W, but they give a pretty good feel for the swirling maelstrom of sound that is Open Jam night.

Speaking of which, tonight's yet another Open Jam night. All (musicians, listeners, people who just want to go somewhere and drink) are welcome. Start time between 9:30pm and 10pm, and it's free.

Hope to see people out.



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Originally posted by piegin:

Nice looks like heaps of fun... too bad its so far.


Any chance of setting up something like that where you are (Hamilton, right?). Find a bar (whose staff you know), and propose an open-jam night to them; the best bet would be a normally slow night, like a Monday or a Tuesday. If the bar already hosts an open-mic (i.e., singer-songwriter) night, so much the better.

Have a small band (e.g., guitar/bass/drums) be the host (and have them start off the night), put a sign-up sheet near the door, and you're off. Having guitar amps & a drum kit there, and maybe a DI box for the bass, helps.

Promote the heck out of it, and get your musician friends (and non-musician friends) to come out. If you can show the bar that they can make (a reasonable amount of) money at it, you should be in.

Aljee's (the Ottawa host) e-mail address is aguevremont@yahoo.com and our main Dekcuf contact is bryan@cafedekcuf.com.



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