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i'm sad to announce that due to the weather in the past 2 days, I'll have to cancel my party. this cancellation is in order to ensure the possibility of OTHER parties in the future.

I'll be going back to london around the 13th, so perhaps a party on the way to frontiertown...thursday night perhaps?

i don't know...but i really wanna party with people as much as i can before CTMF

get in touch...sorry to get your hopes up.

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Damn; I was looking forward to it: do some playing, party with some old and new friends, get in shape for next weekend.

I understand, though, and it seems like a prudent decision. From now until the 13th, there are a few things happening:

- Circulate w/ Jiva Ju tomorrow night at Dekcuf and/or Raggamuffin at Babylon

- ISTR a Sneakers show at Babylon tomorrow night, but I'm sure about it

- maybe Saturday night out somewhere: group movie excursion, or just beverages somewhere?



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boo urns

but i understand, no hard feelings,, we will have to get together during the nice weather at this farm by ottawa, maybe we can get a plywood stage kickin by then eh?

we definitly need to all hook up at frontier and get down for a bit, smoke some smoke, drink some drink

lookin foward to it

cant believe its only 10 days away [Eek!][Eek!][Eek!]

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Dont worry about it Beats.......................

I like the way you look into the future.

We certainly dont want to ruin any other possible ventures. Long term is better than short term most of the time.

If it were your home, I am sure you would still make the same decision.

Alright Hamilton, weather dependent, Sally and I will see ya'll at CTMF

Jay Sanislo, I will have a treat for you...........

You still have to play drums at some point with BGH;)

I'll strangely miss ya'll

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