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Snowboards and snowboarding accessories.


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Hmmmm, Kahuna Surf Shop in Orillia has a lot of clearance stuff right now. I can't get their link to work, but you may want to try it later. Or give them a ring if you're looking for something specific. (705)325-2461

Just don't ask me what Orillia is doing with a surf shop. ::


EBay may have some cheap goods now too. Again though, it really helps if you know what you're looking for (size, etc.)

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Getting into the wrong sport if you wanna save money...

I usually get my stuff from ebay...

Tommy and Lefevbre has some sales on right now, but they're always expensive and always assholes.

En Equilibre on Greber in Gatineau is the best bet, but they might not have much stock right now as it's getting close to the end of the season.

If you're just going out a few times, I'd ask if you can demo boards... There's no point shilling out hundreds of dollars for a board if you're not sure you'll like it.

I know Tommy doesn't demo boards anymore, but check with Kudstadt Sports at Bank and Heron or Rider's Village in the Kanata Centrum and see if they do. I'm not sure if En EQuilibre does this anymore.

Get goggles. Get mitts. Make sure your boots are very comfortable and don't pinch across the top of your foot. If this is your first couple times out see if you can borrow a butt-pad from someone that might have one. You're gonna be falling a lot and you'll love the butt-pad the next day.

If i think of anything else I'll let you know.


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What are you looking for? I know pro-riders in Whistler, and could get you a brand new board for about 1/2 price (approximately $300 savings) plus cross-Canada shipping.

The easiest one for me to get is actually by a California company, but the boards are made in Quebec. The company is called "Academy", and they make great, all wood, stiff boards; although they are not as well known as Burton, Prior, Rossignol...

If you want one, let me know and I'll get on it today.


I can get you boards by bigger companies as well, I think, it's just not as easy as getting you an Academy, so if you have a particular board in mind let me know.

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I can't believe I forgot to suggest one of those babies! AD's right though, if you're new to this, rent a board or try for a demo. This will eliminate any binding vs. step-in questions, etc. You can find out what's right for you.

I got a pair of Firefly mitts last year for around $20 and they are hot, hot, hot! Seriously, I take them off as soon as I get on the chairlift when it's not 40 below. You don't have to spent a fortune to find gear that'll keep you toasty!

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You can find good used gear through the MEC used gear exchange. This is their clothing link - they do have an equipment link too...

Of you can check things out at the barking bear forum

There are a few other good ones I can link you up to, but these are the better ones that I've used.

What I've done in the past is found things that sound about right, then look up their manufacturer's web site to make sure its what I want. You could even then go to a store to see if it really fits etc. If they work, buy'em.

Heads up on internet buying - make sure that you're buying from somone in Canada or that you're ok with the shipping details... I've exchanged music over the border and it can be a pain - I'm not sure I'd enter any deals for heavy sporting gear that involved a border.

If you have specific questions about certain pieces of gear feel free to pm me questions.

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Heads up on internet buying - make sure that you're buying from somone in Canada or that you're ok with the shipping details... I've exchanged music over the border and it can be a pain - I'm not sure I'd enter any deals for heavy sporting gear that involved a border.

Yeah, good point. I buy a lot of my stuff off ebay like I said, but I don't use my Canadian address or Canadian credit card or anything. We have an office in the states, so everything gets shipped there and then here to avoid crazy shipping costs and duty. If you do buy on the internet, I'd suggest making friends with someone in Watertown or something.. ::


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Not only are helmets (obviously) safe, they give you a great confidence boost when learning how to ride. It's one less BIG thing to worry about.

EDIT: Hey StoneMtn, can you get good deals on Arbor boards?


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Don't cheap out on a helmet either. As someone who has had a few concussions, I sure can say that they are no fun.

A pricetag of $100+ may seem pricey when there are $40 options. However, you just need to ask yourself, "How much is my brain worth?" I'd estimate mine to be a few clams over $40...but the jury's still out on that one. :)

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I'll look into it for you, AD. A friend tells me he now has connections for "virtually any board" I want, but he's not a pro-rider himself so I'd have to get it 3rd hand (pro-rider to my friend to me). It's only the Academies that I can get directly from a pro-rider, but I'll find out about Arbors for you tonight.

If I can get one, I'd be happy to do that for you. I'll PM you tomorrow (hopefully) and let you know.

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I'll look into it for you, AD. A friend tells me he now has connections for "virtually any board" I want, but he's not a pro-rider himself so I'd have to get it 3rd hand (pro-rider to my friend to me). It's only the Academies that I can get directly from a pro-rider, but I'll find out about Arbors for you tonight.

If I can get one, I'd be happy to do that for you. I'll PM you tomorrow (hopefully) and let you know.

AWESOME. Thanks for looking into that for me. I can't guarantee a sale or anything, but if the price is right... You know what I mean. Anyways, thanks again.

As for helmets Velvet: Buy a new one. That's the only way you can be sure it's up to par.


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Before or after my teens and early 20s? The appraisal would have gone WAAAAAYYY down sometime after Dead tour 1989... ::

Ha ha ha! Likewise, my grey matter's value has been slowly depreciating since the early 90s. Still, gotta protect those cells that don't regenerate. Thank God the liver ones do! Yikes.

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do prescription goggles exist? i'm not too seriously in the market right now (gotta save money for my move) but i would like to know. i have a fairly strong prescription. whenever i fall my sunglasses (which are prescription) fall off my face and it drives me nuts!

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I actually went snowboarding last week and I loved loved loved it, I'm hooked. I didn't take a helmet or buttpad, but I was fine, and I'm pretty confident now. No more falling down for me! I went to Tommy and Lafabe today and was astounded at how much this is gonna cost me.

I'll get back to you on that board Stonemtn, and thanks for the MEC link Mr. Foolery.

Keep them suggestions coming.

If only I could trade a new cell phone for a board.

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I actually went snowboarding last week and I loved loved loved it, I'm hooked. I didn't take a helmet or buttpad, but I was fine, and I'm pretty confident now. No more falling down for me!

Can I still suggest getting a helmet? Most people who hit trees are pretty confident.... And keep in mind there are other people on the hill who can hit you and do damage as well.


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yep. i dont know how many more times you'd like to get out this year, but i'd stay patient for off-season deals. perhaps buy some boots, and only rent the board for the rest of the year... or even try to get some demo's as suggested above.

glad to hear you love snowboarding Velvet. hit any sweet jumps yet?

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Todd, get a helmet; seriously. I almost knocked myself unconscious at the beginning of this season; and bought a helmet the next week. It happened while I was moving really slowly, too.

The 100 bucks is a small price to pay to keep your brain intact.

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