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Posted (edited)

accepted a little friendly hospitality at a strangers house Saturday night and am still wide awake... 3 days later than the first all night beer drinker was supposed to end with the usual afternoon nap... not a wink... funny part is I'm the most coherent I've been yet... feel I woke up 4 hours ago... 2 innocent lookin bits of dust that didn't look like they'd shake a dog off balance... did it once well before Sunday mornings sun rose

hopin for any sleep tonight, don't want to see the sun come up a 4th time (from ingesting once almost 4 full nights ago)

apologies if anyone got unexpected personal e-mail from me last night that made absolutely no sense to you... was writing to try to keep my thoughts straight which apperently got confused at some point and turned into e-mail which I then proudly sent other people than the letters were written to without noticing... remember having hours of discussions with people who were actually home in bed 3 hours away... pacing, tensed back for a full day

if you're looking to become a mess quick I definately recommend the Jib... stickin cotton in my nose the next time I go out... think maybe I had an slightly exageratted reaction... but still...

re-wrote this 23 times over 45 minutes... eat yer heart out Nolte...

good timing on bringin up the topic Blair... not that I'm one to preach but feel like saying to mind your friends folks around some drugs

any drug with a strong 3-4 day lag is just plain scary... feeling honestly so grateful to be out of there... so not the mild pick me up I had in mind... that was a really rough time

Edited by Guest

ok, so THATS why I don't like cyrstal!

think I've upgraded my feelings to total hatred of the stuff now... say I'm back up to about 60-70% of myself now, which feels so good

caught me off guard at a chic upscale party with young, well dressed professionals... occasionally, when in Rome, you should just leave

what a dirty goddamn drug... big broken bicycle of lies... like driving your car while staring out the back window and steering with your foot convinced your doing just fine

I even missed your radio show Babs :crazy:

i dont knwo much about this - why do they have so many face sores?

offhand I'd say pure neglect... easy to picture your whole life doing a complete 180 in under a week on that stuff... tough to picture holding down a job or anything while you're wandering around lying to yourself all day... could put you out on the street pretty quick

occasionally, when in Rome, you should just leave

... big broken bicycle of lies...

like driving your car while staring out the back window and steering with your foot convinced you're doing just fine

For somebody who is so strung out, you are really quite witty!

Posted (edited)

(RE the face sores) those come from the meth-smoking. i have friends out west who got pretty into that for awhile, and they'd get those lesions on their face, too. i'm not sure what the reason is, but it may have to do with the fact that the meth seeps back out of your pores and re-crystallizes... i've heard (ONLY heard... i have never been around this nasty nasty stuff) that people will actually scrape the stuff off of their skin and smoke it again.

EW EW EW. stay faaaaar away from that junk.

edit: as i said, it's just what i heard. but it was enough to make me never want to do it, and if it makes other people not do it, then GOOD. paisley glad you're better. i was just reading about how it can kinda drive people nuts (probably in part b/c of lack of sleep). i remember once in victoria one of the folks who was into the meth shot his girlfriend's cat (RIP kitty) when it came into his room, and actually thinking that he had shot his girlfriend. i don't know if he had been smoking meth that night or not, but i wouldn't be surprised if that had something to do with it. F.U.S.!!

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

they have such beautiful comlexions because their bodies are trying to rid themselves of the toxins through the skin.

[color:purple]drugs are so cool and awesome!

*edit* posted the same time as meggo.

and meggo... EWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! that's fricken SICK.

Edited by Guest

Meggo, that is some sick shite! Blegh! I don't know anything about it recrystallizing, but toxins are certainly released through your skin. Could be possible. I'm stayin' far, FAR away from this nightmare. No need to tell me twice!


spent hours getting talked down last night by someone really close to me, wrote that quote in a thank you e-mail

my first though when waking up today (first sleep in 4 days) was to wonder why I was just laying there with my eyes closed like that

stuff turns you right upside down... fear and loathing to be sure

that said I am not condoning this stuff, would rather huff gasoline next time


There was one of those CBC documentaries on Meth a couple of weeks ago. Apparently the sores are related to that feeling of "crawling bugs" under the skin and users constantly picking at themselves! No thanks, not for me.


when I was a kid I watched an episode of "Emergency" where they responded to a call where some guy was on a roof smashing a TV antenna around trying to get imaginary snakes away from him... little easier to picture achieving that state of mentality now (always thought it was a gross exaggeration)


i used to love that junk, did it wayyy too much, ,been clean for years, feels great

scary shit, never got into smoking it off a lightbulb as ive witnessed some real good friends go down hill like theyre wearing concrete rollerskates

stay away from the jib!

Posted (edited)

loose weight?

i was 165 pounds on the stuff.

yes one hundred and sixty five pounds!!!!

doctors are also 95% sure thats what the cause of my seizures were. (i had been clean for a little under two years when i had the seizures)

Edited by Guest

Paisley, I'm REALLY happy to hear you made it through to the other side. And it's cool you posted at various points in the coming down -- it's generous of you to share your experiences, especially the ones that can wig you/others out.

This board can be a cool place for "edumication"

I do hope to hear more about this expereince in person -- will we see you at Sharon Jones on Sat??

looking forward to it!

stay well, Paisely!



That shit is NO good. i.e Bad, very bad. I lost a bunch of weight(not that I had any to lose) and was a shadow of my self for a good 6 months. I escaped it's clutches but I know others that didn't. It's been 3 years now and I'm glad that crap is nowhere near my friends or I...I hate that bitch crystal

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