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So i'm getting fed up quickley with my online photo sharing sites, so i've been trying to set up our schools linux server to share my images.

I've set up a public_html folder in my account with full read/write/x access. i put a bunch of images in the folder, and am now trying to link to these images, also with full permissions granted, from the web boards.

allz i'm getting is the red x. I know this should work. my full url link for the image would be http://apophis.mohawkc.on.ca/home/cs1781/public_html/105_0569.JPG, but its not working...

Anyone have any idea's?????


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I'd say your main folder is password protected so therefore, the subfolders within

maybe [smile]

I was also thinking that maybe you could try just setting up the permissions as read/write for the owner without the execute, and group and other with just read (644)... maybe they don't like the idea of people running scripts off the server...

maybe [smile]

apperently jamhub's gallery's will be back up soon if all else fails

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Hey secondtube, check to see if there's a file in any of your directories called .htaccess - that's the standard file for password protecting a directory. If you're interested, you can read all about it here:


If you don't want your directory to be password protected, removing that file should do the trick, although you might want to check with your sysadmin first.


Mr. M.

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