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Has anyone ever had this happen?


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Over the past couple weeks, I've heard strange noises coming from throughout my car. One day, about a week ago, I noticed the sure sign of a mouse having taken up residence.

That, in and of itself, isn't that weird. I mean, I live in wooded farmland. If there is a mouse in here, I thought, he'll get smart and realize there's no food or water and leave.

At work today, I was gettin ready to go to lunch, and had been telling a couple co-workers this story. One asked, "is it still there?"

Says I, "I don't know."

Says he, "pop the hood"

So I do.

There were not one, not two, but three mice sitting in various places throughout the engine block! They scrambled as soon as the hood was up.

So, for the past six hours or so I've realized that mice not only like to ride in cars, they also like to live in cars [Confused]

Back to my question, has anyone ever had this happen before?

Peace w/ mice

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I make a habit of giving my horn a little honk before I start the car during the winter time. Sometimes, cats crawl up next to the engine block to keep warm. Once, my neighbour started her car with a cat up there, and the result wasn't pretty. [Frown]

Never heard of mice, though. I would have thought that all of the noise and motion would have scared them out of an engine pretty quickly...

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Yeh, I'm there on the cat thing - in fact, we got our first cat 'cus she liked to warm herself around the engine block in my dad's Buick. When it warmed up she moved to the wood pile and had kittens! [smile]

I HAVE seen mice who made their nest inside a BBQ - hamilton, I'm sure the cat thing wasn't pretty but you should see/hear a half dozen flaming mice going crazy when you light up the BBQ without checking inside first! Nothing makes a more horrific high-pitched sound than a mouse in flames. [Frown] Very nasty.

Have a cheery evening! [Wink]

- M.

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VD is scaring me. Does anyone else think it may not be safe to camp out there next weekend?

I'd hate to climb out of my tent, only to find myself ensnared in a trap set by a bushy deadhead who can't tie his own shoes, but can tie a mean knot.


Good luck ma man! - see ya in a week.

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There's a lot about this thread I like:

Peace w/ mice

I make a habit of giving my horn a little honk

Nothing makes a more horrific high-pitched sound than a mouse in flames.

find myself ensnared in a trap set by a bushy deadhead who can't tie his own shoes, but can tie a mean knot.

way to go pussy!

Thanks! [big Grin]

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Dude I use to sell used cars and we wouyld get mice under the hood all time, they go cause its warn and dry, BUT DUDE BE CAREFUL, they will ruin your engin, they can much on wires causing you very expensive repaies, the can also clog you r air intake, with shit and fur and crap that they bring in. you definalty need to get rid of then as soon as you can if you care at all abot your car. try leaving some mice traps ( the humane kind for the hippies) ( the real kind if you want them gone) on the block and around the hood, and don't drive for a few dayts untill they move on or get killed, if you keep driving it will make it nice and warm for them, dude i know from experance that it will get very costly if you have to get a mechaninc to go around and fix all the stuff they reck

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