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Bonnaroo Tickets For Sale


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I don't know about that. I was there last year and didn't manage to see a single person that I knew and there were lots there. Something about 80,000 people makes it pretty hard to find someone. I'll be flying the Canadian flag on the front of the pop-top of my blue VW van if you happen to see me!

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Willy, its MoMack you know me...?

I think the Camp Canada idea is being floated.. but we have to hook up well out of Manchester...

When you departing Willy?

And is anyone else out there figuring on heading through Detroit about 9-10pm the Wed... they'd be the perfect crew for my team to hook up with...

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Morgan! Buddy! Good to hear from you. I don't think I've seen you since The Everyone Orchestra in Cincinatti. That was you right?

We'll never hook up unless we meet outside the festival and drive in bumper to bumper. We're thinking about leaving on Wednesday night around 8 or 9 and driving her pretty much straight through. Are you in a motor home again this year MoMack?

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Thats our schedule perfectly. Lets hook up.

email me at


I'll shoot you some digits and shit...

I agree with the bumper to bumper thing... Lets me and you work out a plan and then we'll share it with all who care and have a somewhat similar schedule... I don't mind waiting a bit for folks, but I want to do it at about 8am thursday from a grocery/booze store about an hour away from Manchester...???

give me an email...

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And yes, that was me at the E.O. tried to find you after but had no luck... (you found a crash pad I'm sure...)

As for the motor home. I had one booked but the team dwindled and so we had to cancel. rented a minivan instead. (not impressed, but it sure isn't going to get me down. I'm psyched!!!)

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I e-mailed you dude.

Yea, we found a place after the E.O. that night. Actually, it was insane. We danced through the city following this dude playing a sax and a guy playing a drum. I think we did that for an hour or two. LOL. It was like the pied piper. We ended up crashing with a bunch of Hamiltonians.

"Hell ya, I want some pie!"

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