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Camp Canada Hookup Plans - Bonnaroo 03

Irie Guy

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Hey great site hemp,

I am definately up for seeing you there. I am going down with some yanks leaving St.Louis on tuesday. But I will for sure make sure I find Camp Canada. MoMack I am not sure but Manchester being fairly close to Lynchberg might be a dry county as well. In which case it is advisable to pick your booze up somewhere else. Don't quote me on that.


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Doesn't sound crazy... just not possible for afew of us. I'm leaving from Simcoe (3 hours from Detroit) at 6pm Wed. Can't do it any earlier... that being the case, I don't expect to be able to get to the zone til 8am, and then I want to get some groceries while I wait for others'.

When are you heading out?

And the other thing is, last year I got there at 9am and waited for folks til 1pm and then went in. It was a buggar of a line up, (actually probably only 2-3 hours at the absolute most, now that I think about it), and I was about a 20-30 minute walk from the stage. Which is acceptable in my mind.

With extra entrances this year it should be quicker getting in, but who knows...

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Ahhh, I see your points.

I'm looking at leaving TO by 6. I'm not exactly sure how long it's gonna take to get down there. But I'm thinking maybe somewhere around 6/7am might be about right. Definetly will be stopping at some grocery store to stock up a little.

I guess my biggest concern about the whole thing is camping to venue proximity. I remember at Lemonwheel the walk from our campsite to the venue was insane. It would be really nice to have your site close enough that you can actually go back to relax/eat/rest during the course of the day. I guess I got really spoiled at Frontier Town.

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I usually camp in the back fields at Frontier and look forward to all the people I meet and campfires I visit on the way back and forth. That being said, Bonnaroo wasn't interesting in that manner last year. Hopefully, if any of us get close, we can just share the location wealth and store beer at the closest site.

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You're on pretty much the same path as me. Problem being, unless you venure into Nashville with your fingers crossed, no grocery store will be open at 6/7 am. They don't usually open til 8am right? We went into Nashville for our supplies last year, and it wasn't worth it, we lost as much time trying to get around in there as we would have waiting an hour for a grocery store to open in a small town easy one easy off locale.

Just a thought...

Are you hooking up with the team then?

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Hmmm, another good point. Isn't the USA the land of 24 hours? Lol

I guess the other option would be stopping somewhere on the way down before everything closes. I'll have to confer with my partner in crime and try to figure out our gameplan.

Anyone else leaving from Toronto?

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Here's a stupid question... Does anyone remember the availablilty of tickets at the show from last year?

I know it's sold out but I've never been to a sold out show that doesn't have extras. And I don't mean scalpers either.

I have the weirdest luck in getting into concerts since Jerry died.

I'm on my way to the Gathering in Utah on weds. I thought i could swing by Bonneroo on the way. It's quite a bit out of the way but it could be done. How's the camping scene. I'd just be happy to hang there if that's possible too.

Or should I just truck on home to Utah before my car explodes.


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yep there were lots of extras last year. that being said, everyone who wasn't planning on going should start makin plans right fucking now to get to TN!!! schwa! backbacon! [Wink]

secondly dont wait to buy beer in TN or you'll be stuck drinking BUD LIGHT and if you ask for premium beer its gonna be BUD. i suggest MI or OH.

[big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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Hi guys... I say that we swap cell phone #'s so that we can contact one another once we get there. I am not gonna be able to make it to Camp Canada as I am flying into Nashville, then bussing it to Manchester and then hoofing it to the venue unless some kindly stranger will take me. But here is my cellphone # 647-295-7998 and I hope to hear from some of u. I wish happy and safe travels.

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