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Roll Call: Tea Party @ 77 on Thursday


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Guest Low Roller

I'd be curious how the Tea Party are doing right now.

After selling out the Congress Centre in 1997 (still one of my favorite shows ever), their crowds started to slowly dwindle. Last time I saw them was in Brockville in 2001. Recently they played a small local Volleyball tournament hosted by a sports bar. I didn't go.

I don't recall a band ever free falling so hard after gaining a measure of mainstream success with Transmission and TRIPtych.

Really though I don't blame the fans for turning on the band after their pretentious Interzone Mantras record.

If anybody has seen Tea Party recently, and have seen them in the past, I would be curious to hear about the comparisons.

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Back in the day I was a HUGE Tea Party fan. I thought what they were doing was so interesting, loved their crazy acoustic jams. They totally lost me after Transmission though. Their live shows took on a whole different slant as well.

Maybe it was just a faze, but I'm assuming they've been sucked in with the rest of the generic, Canadian, Our Lady Peace, Alternative Rock.

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Guest Low Roller

I'm onside with you Cyberhippie. I've seen Tea Party about 8 times and every time the show just gets more predictable. Nothing worse than a predictable show.

The only saving grace in the post-Transmission era was the Rakim -> The Halcyon Days tune.

Heaven Coming Down? AHAHAHAHA. More like Cheese Coming Down.

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My first illustrious job in the 'recording biz' was pushing the Tea Party's van out of the ditch in Morin Heights, PQ. Picture all 3 of them dressed to the tee in black outfits against a vast expanse of quebec winter landscape...if only i had a camera. Anyways, I babysat their little boy and programmed all the porn channels into their satellite receiver in the guest cottage(uh, not at the same time). I was interning at the studio for all of the 'Triptych' recordings. Jeff Martin made supper one night, a braized tuna dish, and ordered in a bunch of Sleeman's as there were actually more Ontarians at the Studio than PQ'ers...I went home early that night...apparently pretty early as I spent most of the next morning dusting coke out of the 2" reel to reel....

I loved Tea Party around Splender Solis time, saw them a few times but the whole Jim Morrison soundalike and dwindiling musical ideas just lost me after awhile...

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I seen em once in Hess village,before they were signed(actually I believe they got signed that night) and a few years back.

The show wasn't really any different either time,I suspect it hasn't changed much.

Won't see me there,maybe alot of high-school kids.

I can't argue about the guys talent on those crazy stringed instruments,definatley an amazing musician.

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Jeff Martin is a very talented player. The first 2 CD's are great but derivative. If you can get past that, then you're home free, otherwise forget it. Anyway, they've sucked for ages now.

Saw them a couple of times, the best time was acoustic Alhambra at Barrymore's. Jeff used a bunch of different guitars, open tunings and exotic arabic and eastern instruments. They did a fun percussion thing for Sister Awake. It really was great, best show I'd seen for a while. Now they are pop poop.


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the tea party wandered into mermaid's lounge here in hamilton a few years ago and whoever was playing got them up to play... in that capacity (50 drunk people in a bar half listening) they were actually quite good... played a Daniel Lanois song and some other obscure tunes... somewhat dulled my loathing of them...

anytime I've seen them play in the past 5 years to a big teenie bopper crowd has left me shuddering and itching to run though...

I'll hang out at mermaid's and see if they show up again... [big Grin]

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B&Z - I also saw an acoustic Alhambra set up at Lakehead in 96 or 97. So phat. It was about an hour, then they came back and did a sick rock set. One of the better shows I ever recall seeing, made better of course by a friend of mine taking acid for the first time... she had a REALLY fun show...

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Originally posted by MarcO:

hahahaha... poor Willy, this isn't the kind of response you were looking for, was it bud?

[smile][big Grin][big Grin]

[Frown] Thanks MarcO: I appreciate the support.

Actually, I did have a ticket to go (a friend had invited me) but I actually had to bail; so I won't be there either. I would have liked to see it to say that I had. He's a very accomplished musician and does some very interesting guitar work.

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