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Elliott Smith beatles covers

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i just downloaded a bunch of beatles covers performed by dear old Elliott and they're greeeeeeeeat. i wish the quality was better on a lot of them(big surprise) but the For No One is just too good. same with the Jealous Guy.

the I'm Only Sleeping would be way better if jerks in the crowd didn't sing along. its not a campfire jackass.


i scored them on soulseek. i'm trying to get him doing The Band's Whispering Pines, which sounds too good to be true. i love both Elliott's and Richard's voices alot lot lot. i hope the quality is decent if it ever friggin downloads.

theres some other good Smith covers out there. i have Harvest Moon and Chelsea Girls and a Built to Spill cover, Car i think.


'scuse me...but what is this you guys are typing about? being a beatle fan, I kinda need to know everything about the boys.

incidently, today in the Byward market in Ottawa, we stopped by a vendor to by some organic spring mixed greens and I was wearing a beatles t.

The guy said..."I love this guy here". He wasn't actually talking about me, but really George on my shirt. I said, "so you like george...me too, he's my favorite". The vendor then pointed to a tattoo on his right bicep. It was a 360/12 rickenbacker. George's 'hard days night' guitar. On the other bicep, a group tattoo of the fab four.

I told him that I had such a guitar, and he wasn't that impressed. He has the same guitar and 3 other beatle era rickenbackers! wtf? I have never met anyone that owned one of these guitars!

I sort of wanted to invite him over for a jam.


That's a great story Bouche!!

Elliot Smith is a singer/songwriter probably best known for his song Miss Misery from Good Will Hunting. His music tends to be very sad but amazing and really touches me.

He was heavily influenced by the Beatles (aren't we all? :)) and Djed dl some live covers he did before he passed away.

I would strongly recomend giving Elliot Smith a listen. The album Figure 8 is my favourite.


Ok, what is this stuff I am hearing about Christopher O'Reilly doing a tribute album regarding Elliot Smith?

Is that true, and when/where can I buy it?

(Too lazy to search and Christopher's site sucks ass when you are wasted. Being on one page is tough enough. For those that like Radiohead, Christopher O'Reilly's renditions are incredible.)


not sure about this O'Reilly tribute album, but there is an Elliott tribute album out featuring no one anyone has heard of.

i miss Mr. Smith.


You can definately hear that Beatle influence on his last album. Some songs reminded me of when they released a few Beatles songs after Lennon's death and digitally remastered his voice-making it sound like it was coming from the 'other side' or something. Has that light wavering ghost-like feel to it.

Either/Or or his self titled album which I recently got (that has Christian Brothers on it) or my favorites. It took me a while to get into Figure 8. But this boy is prolly one of my absolute favs-if not the favorite if I had to pick (along with Lennon).

Posted (edited)

... and there's one degree of seperation to the Slip. The producer of I thought it was From a Basement on the Hill but a quick check shows that's produced by Rob Schnapf who I don't believe is the Slip's producer for their new album. Forget the guys name right now but I know he's done at least one Elliot Smith album.

The Band's Whispering Pines, which sounds too good to be true. i love both Elliott's and Richard's voices alot lot lot.

And no kidding that would be unbelievable! You know if you love Richard as we all should it would be really worth your while to track down this Basement Tape outtake of a sort of short ditty, not really a song, that he does called Beautiful Thing. it's got this great melody, he sings a verse and the chorus then just hums what would be the second verse. You could really see it having been one of his best songs. I adore it. I think you can find a version on the Band's site http://theband.hiof.no under the Richard Manuel section of songs.

Wait I did I looked for it and found it right at the top of this page. Richard Manuel's Beautiful Thing

Edited by Guest
You know if you love Richard as we all should it would be really worth your while to track down this Basement Tape outtake

I have the The Genuine Basement Tapes Volumes 1 - 5 . or check out here at 'Bob's Boots' > The Genuine Basement Tapes .Although "Beautiful Thing" doesn't appear on any of the five.Do you know which outtake its from? I'd love to get a copy.

not sure about this O'Reilly tribute album, but there is an Elliott tribute album out featuring no one anyone has heard of.

i miss Mr. Smith.

Doesn't 'Trappers Cabin' cover a song or two on that album? I don't have it,but have heard it.I dig 'Trappers Cabin'...nobody's really heard of him yet,well,some of the folk freaks have (how I found out about em).

If ya get a chance grab the album "Blue Sky, Black Bear" (released this yearwhich is the only album as far as I know,march I think),very different & very cool.And if ya find a place offline to get it,please let me know.


... and there's one degree of seperation to the Slip. The producer of I thought it was From a Basement on the Hill but a quick check shows that's produced by Rob Schnapf who I don't believe is the Slip's producer for their new album. Forget the guys name right now but I know he's done at least one Elliot Smith album.

I think Matthew Ellard is the name you were looking for.


Loved this guy... great song writer. Very sad death but one that matched his music. I was able to see him at the Opera House in 1999... he looked and performed like someone very sad or depressed. I heard that he had been hassled at the border by Canada Customs and he rarely spoke between songs. He was a man on a mission to play through his set and get it over with as quickly as possible (if I remember correct, 45 min total). I don't know if this was typical of his shows. I enjoyed the music but was disappointed with his performance. He just didn't look like he wanted to do do the show, or anything. That's how sad he looked when I saw him. I find the lyrics in the song, "Fond Farewell" (off his posthumously released album, "From a Basement on a Hill") to be very eerie. I interpret them as a goodbye to friends and family. Very sad indeed. R.I.P.

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