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Simpsons Go Inside the Actors Studio


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Hmm, you know everytime I watch IAS I think "wow, what these people do is SO BORING!" Somehow that show always seem to suck the magic away from whoever they're talking to, for me anyway.

That said, hearing from the Simpsons actors could be very fun, so I'll probably check out at least some of it. Thanx for the tip Ms. Hux.


Mr. M.

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No probs. Mr. Musicface. I was reading the Ottawa Citizen yesterday and the reviewer said it was the most boring hour of IAS he's seen. He said the show usually devotes an hour to one guest, but this particular hour is devoted to 6 which means we don't get to learn very much about any of them. The reviewer said a lot of time is wasted getting the actor to do "D'oh" in many ways and not much time is spent on the actors themselves, just on the characters (which we already know so well).

I'll watch regardless.

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As retarded as the way the citizen guy makes it sound, that's exactly why I want to watch it.

I think I know all I need to know about Harry Shearer and the rest. I want to see them do the bloody voices! They do a script reading, how in the hell is that going to be boring?

I think it's going to be VERY entertaining.

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Lipton is obviously the most treacly mawkish feeble limp dicked- well shit there's a Ween tune all about that guy- Mr. Richard Smoker! 'Cigarettes and coffee with the boys... tonight we practice in the park'. Will Ferrell was born to send up that guy.

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