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fave beatles covers


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Jeff Beck - (instrumental) Day in the Life

That's on that George Martin "With A Little Help From My Friends" album' date=' correct? I have yet to hear it, which bums me out immensely, as the Martin/Beck work on "Blow By Blow", well, blows me away.[/quote']

Yep, that's the one. Will be sure to burn you a copy - it's almost redefined the song for me.

The other one to watch on that album is Sean Connery doing "In My Life."

Seriously! (Or not ;) )

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Come Together, Nero @ Come Together

Thank youse again for that one. Brilliant.

What was the name of that jazz band from NYC?

They did an instrumental Beatles thingie as well.

The Aaron (Adam?) something Band or the other things? Anyways, they blew Mike and I away with a cover of something, but it wasnt Something. It was something else. Heck, I think it was even on the album with Something or it was on something else?

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