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Don't miss Trailer Park Boys Season Finale!!!


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Does anyone remember the line from Lahey last week about being hit with shit balls or something and collecting them in a big hole? or something to that effect. Laughed my butt off but was a little high and can't remember the line exactly. HELP!

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Oh my, seeing Rickey trying to get arrested was something else!

I didnt know you could just throw stuff in a lake/river and it just washes away.

(loosely quoted)

"So, I am just going to sit here, and fire off some shots until someone calls the cops."

Hey Gateaux. I taped it, so the day you come over for our Video Game Enchilada Breakdown, we can take a quick 30 off the controllers, and watch it again.

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just saw the last two episodes last night, loved em.

"we gotta get those shidiots randy~!"

but yeah, they shouldbe every 2 weeks if they are only gonna do 7 episodes. but who am i to judge. i didn;t see the seanon premier so i look forward to that rerun fo sho.

i think my favourite form this season was the j roc episode and the BBQ stealin kids episode.

"theres a couple things you need to know about my car....." LMAO!

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