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Q of the Day Weekend Edition


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I was thinking about this when I was reading Rary8's thread about Alpine last year...

Q: When did you know when you got "it"?

"It", refers to this whole jamband scene...the music, people...etc.

i practically had an epiphany after my first grateful dead show walking back to the car...i couldn't even talk...

anybody else?

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Here's when I first got "IT".............

06-21-84 Kingswood Music Theatre, Maple, Ontario, Canada (Thu)

1: Bucket, TLEO, C. C. Rider> Bird Song, BIODTL> Dupree's> L. L. Rain> Might As Well

2: Scarlet> Fire, Good Times, Samson> Terrapin> Drumz> Wheel> Throwing Stones> NFA E: New Orleans*, Big Boss Man*> Iko Iko*

*with The Band SEVA benefit - nationwide FM broadcast - final/last "New Orleans": 11-12-70 - The Band opened - Sylvia Tyson played outside the beer tent after the show for Circle Of Gold tickets.


Small wheel turn by the fire and rod

Big wheel turn by the grace of God

Everytime that wheel turn round

bound to cover just a little more ground

Pretty self explanatory I think.


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The "it" had been in the back/middle of my head for years and years but I'd have to say last year's Bonnaroo right in the middle of first night WSP show. I rolled into the show feeling good, the momenteum had been building all day, never had I seen so many people smiling in one place. I just looked around me and at the crew I was with and it finally all made sense to me...music makes people come together. MoMack can back me up on this one! hahahaha! You kids wtach out this year, the Roo can do some crazy things to ya! For the rest of the weekend and in my life since then I try to project the same good vibes. I was at the Blue Quarter show last night in Golden, people were going off! Nice to see so many happy faces on a dancefloor [big Grin]

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The "it" had been in the back/middle of my head for years and years but I'd have to say last year's Bonnaroo right in the middle of first night WSP show. I rolled into the show feeling good, the momenteum had been building all day, never had I seen so many people smiling in one place. I just looked around me and at the crew I was with and it finally all made sense to me...music makes people come together. MoMack can back me up on this one! hahahaha! You kids wtach out this year, the Roo can do some crazy things to ya! For the rest of the weekend and in my life since then I try to project the same good vibes. I was at the Blue Quarter show last night in Golden, people were going off! Nice to see so many happy faces on a dancefloor [big Grin]

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I would have to say IT happened to me, at my first Phish show. I had seen plenty of concerts prior to that one, infact i had been going to shows for about 3-4 years before that, but i, like Chewy at his Dead show, came out of that one completely dumbfounded.

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My first Dead show March 1990 Copps. I'm not one who remembers set lists etc. but I'll tell you this. I went down to hamilton with a few old family peeps(and at the time, I didn't even know what old family was) I owned maybe a few dead studio albums and or compilations eg Dead Set, workingmans etc. Thought they were a great band. Got to my seat(totally sober, not even a drink in me) When they started to play the instant contact high I got was life changing. I'll never forget it. To this day have never been so high-been more wasted-but not more high. I stood there, frozen, couldn't move, couldn't look away.

Wow, havn't thought about that in awhile. [Cool]

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There really was something magical about the Grateful Dead. My first indication that "it" existed was 6/29/84. I was in Ohio and some folks I was hanging with were going to see the Dead. I am sorry to say I had never heard a note of their music, but I tagged along anyway. It was obvious before even the first note was played that this was gonna be something different, little did I know the effect it would have on me. After eventually returning home to Canada, none of my friends were into the Grateful Dead, so my exposure to them was very limited, but the magic never went away. Sadly it wasnt until after Jerry died that I really got acquainted or involved in "the scene", but somehow or someway, "it" has taken hold of me.

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No if ands or buts about it. Remeber it like it was yesturday...

Richfield, spring '94. Second dead show, 14 years old. Got shut out the first night because the crew I was with were assholes (no wait, thats not true, they just weren't into helping the 14 year old without the ticket try to find one. To this day I bust ass making sure everybody with me gets in, its way more important then having another beer or shopping on shakedown, but I degress).

Missed the first 2 songs of 2nd night, Greatest Story, Bertha. Its a blur for a while after that, but the real important part is out of space we slowly build into a lovelight. I"m about 20-40 rows back on the floor on the middle/jerry side. Not sure if the ceiling is sweating, or Bobby is spitting that far back! The all of the sudden it all changes, Stella Blue. Jerry is singing it specifically for me, but me is no longer a singular term, it encompasses the whole collective consciousness of the auditorium. He's looking at me, and the world just doesn't exist anymore, nothing does except the piercing guitar and the expression on his face. Just when its almost uncontrollable I have to let out a scream and before you can inhale again we're rocking back to Lovelight... WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW

That is when I found "It". That is when I decided that I would do everything in my power to get back there again and again. That night changed my life for the better forever.

Wow. Almost got the teary eye thing happening just thinking about it... thanks Chewie...

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For Me it was Sunday, July 9, 2000.

I even said those exact words, "wow, i get it..."

The exact moment was, Phil and Friends just busted out my first Help Slip >, and were about to go into Franklins when i looked up to the sky, and from behind the fading clouds was the most intense heat lightning i'd ever seen. THe dark Indiana sky was lighting up before our eyes, the bright light making the silheutes (totally spelled wrong) of the clouds look like fire behind them....

Phil sees this, points to the sky, and BAM! jumps into Fire on the Mountain....

I knew at that point, cosmic forces were at work. What confirmed the cosmic belief was at Alpine, two summers later, during Robert Hunters Brokedown Palace, when two bright Rainbows appeared behind the stage, shining down on us all...IT Was the most beautiful experience i've ever witnessed, more so than the fireworks at Midnight @ Big Cypress.

Those were man made, the Rainbows were a gift from The Fat Man Above....

Thanks Jerry.

Even though i've never seen you before, thankfully i've felt the intensity of your power caress me.

THIS makes it worth it.

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No question it's got to be seeing the Dead at the Palace June of '95, my first significant jamband show although I had little comprehension of this fact at the time. Seeing the setlists from those 2 shows I really regret that I didn't fully appreciate what I was seeing and hearing those nights but I'm so glad I got to experience this 'phenomenon' in its pure form before Jerry's death later that summer. Walking around the lot was like some kind of circus atmosphere -- people and things that I hadn't seen before in my life. Incredible!!!

Phish NYE at Big Cypress ranks pretty high on my list of big impact events as well. Looking forward to BRoo for some more of these great (if not a little fuzzy) memories. Bring it on!!!

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