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I owe Led Zeppelin (long)


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Sometimes realizations hit you at the funniest times. Take this afternoon, for instance. Sitting here reading I came to profound realization. I owe Led Zeppelin for becoming the music fan that I am.

I'm sure many of you on this board have much deeper roots in the Dead or even the rariest of rare, those who can legitmately claim to be on the bottom floor of the Phish phenomeon. Not this kid, though. Being from a part of the world were culture was country music and born in a time where it was Wang Chung or WASP, coming by good tunes was a tough ride. I did roll to the rock though, raised mercifully at the very least on 50 and 60's ditties, and while my first concert may have been Bon Jovi/Cinderella, I was born again thanks to the Blinding Haze.

The Blinding Haze was my high school band. They need a drummer and I wanted to become one. And thanks to those boys I was saved. Are you experienced? Not at this point, but I would be. Hit the Wall? Absolutely. But there was one album (tape actually) put into my hands that changed it all. Zep IV.

I became ravenous for it. I hit every used tape store I could find. I loved the Zep. I got the box set. We played about fifteen Zep tunes. I saw the Song Remains the Same and marvelled at what it must have been like to be there. I've partied to it, made love to it, played it, wore a Swan Song t-shirt until it fell apart. And then, washed away in university by a combination of the psychedelic swirl and twirl and the long, greasy hair appeal of Vedder and co. , my roots were neglected. But it wasn't until this afternoon that I realized what a backbone it give me.

I should mention at this point that all of this is in everyway spawned by my procurement(sp?) of "How the West was Won" the new 3-disc Zep concert. I've been in the zone with these discs. And through these I realized just how much I gained.

Songwriting.Specific and deliberate composition. Harmony. Varied instermentation. Rock and roll. Blues. Bluegrass. Ballad. The 26 Dazed and Confused listened to over and over opening the way to "the jam" which I would pursue mercilessly to this day. To embrace the strange and experimental and being to understand the world outside of three chords. Power in music. Four masters working as one.

They were the template.

I owe Led Zeppelin. Listening to this, I almost feel that sort of guilt you feel right after talking to someone you used to be really close but time and distance have pushed you asunder. But it's still there and I got a feeling that my summertunes are going to sound alot like they did 15 years ago. Due to this realization, maybe even better.


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You know, it's funny 'cus after getting "How The West..." right after it came out, I felt like "damn, I need to listen to the recordings again too, these songs are SO great!". And then I realized "hey the box set is missing some classic songs" so I went out and hunted down the Boxed Set 2 that had all the rest of the songs, so now I've finally got all the studio stuff, including tonnes of songs I love like The Rover and Living Loving Maid and Hot Dog and Out On The Tiles and Carouselaumbra and on and on... and those DIDN'T get on the first 4 boxed set CDs! Amazing!!!

Anyway, I'm right with you scottie, those guys remain the kings and the template. Thanks for the post.


Mr. M.

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Crazy. I just got their new DVD yesterday and was saying the same thing. I can remember being about 12 or 13 and totally going gonzo for the Zep. I bought one of their cds and was like "damn, THESE are the guys that play these songs?". I had always heard their songs growing up but until then, didn't know anything about anything. Zep is for sure the first band I REALLY went for....

I watched the first disc of the DVD set (Live at the Royal Albert Hall) and was really taken back. I don't think I had listened to that much Zep for years. Great video for sure.

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Fuggin right.................

I was the first on the block to own a cd player. We played In Through The Out Door about a gazillion times nefore I knew you could buy different Zep cd's

They hold that place in my heart that only a combination of being 19, and doing too much Sydney could hold.

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Oh, I'm all over this....dunno if you remember my t-shirt that I wore on New Year's eve? Tattered to say the least. Just bought the DVD's, still haven't watched them all yet, but the Moby Dick from 1970 is unbelievable. First time I ever got high by myself, in my first apartment, on a Saturday night, blades, a box of Ritz, a jar of Cheese Whiz, and a bunch of Zeppelin on headphones. Fuck, I didn't know what good music could feel like until that night. Ah, nostalgia....

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Originally posted by Booche:


Fuggin right.................

Yeee-haw! I used to work next to an arcade that had an old school jukebox. It had the single for "Fool In The Rain" and the b-side was "Hot Dog", so I'd literally play it every shift on my break. (That and "The Ballad Of Big" by Genesis, which was the b-side of "Follow You Follow Me" by Genesis. I was all about the b-sides.)

That tune still reminds me of my crappy high school grocery store job and getting in dirty looks in the arcade - hey fug 'em, it was my gawddamn quarter! [Razz]

Good times, good times...

- M.

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I hung out with older kids a lot when I was young. One of my earliest musical memories was of my friends and I air-jamming to Over The Hills And Far Away in 1974/75!!

I was 6 years old in 1974. I owe a lot to Zeppelin because I've been a fan ever since. I was also listening to the Beatles, Stones and The Who around that time, but Zeppelin influenced me to learn how to play air-guitar. I still don't get tired of listening to Houses Of The Holy. Thanks Zeppelin.

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