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Red Rocks advice

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

So I'm planning on going to Red Rocks to see Radiohead on August 26th. I figure there are some Red Rocks veterans on this board, so could y'all share the knowledge?

Best way to get there: car, hike, hitch, llamas?

Best place to camp? Food?

Will coyotes eat me at night?


There was a state park right outside of Denver...just as you were going down towards it...uh secondtube could help me out here that's where I met him at 7am one morning. Anyways, it's got a nice little swimmin area and is off the beaten track, beautiful view of a 360 degree skyline that just doesn't quit...no tree or anything on the horizon. See if you can get there when there is a thunderstorm in the distance...fuggin incredible.

Also, go into Golden and check some stuff out-we took the Coors tour and besides the stink of a brewery(smelled like St. John minus the harbour) you get some fresh wicked beer-it was actually really good. Straight up coors before it had ever hit a bottle or can. Who woulda thunk it?

In Denver, go downtown, it's really wicked...


too add what TG said, if my memory serves me (as i forget very little from my RR trip) it was something Stirling State park that you come across when you enter Colorado....its beautiful....

words cannot describe what went down the night we stayed there....not to mention the forces that drove together a group of Canadians on the other side of N. America, all without prior planning. (we actually camped site by site, but the sites are far enough apart that we didn't even notice...)

Crazy stuff....

ANyways, once in the town or Morrison (where RR is), there is only one camping park. WHen we were there, it was booked like the day the shows were announced. I'm not sure if its the same for Radiohead, but i'd imagine so.

We stayed in a Comfort inn or something in downtown denver.

its only like a 20 minute drive (if that) up the beautiful (yet not nearly as beautiful as ours) rockies.

any more questions, just ask...


if you are flying to denver, definately going to want a vehicle....

i dont think there is any transportation to the venue from Denver.

Cheif hosa is the campground i as thinking of...

like i said, i'm sure its booked, but worth a try...

after the dry hot heat of RR, i was glad to have my shower and pool side room back in Denver....



There's one private camp ground right near the venue, called Cheif Hosa campground. That's where things go off after the show. When I was there I stayed at a state park called Chatfield State Park, but that was a bit of a hike.

The altitude is very high there, so if you go to the lot to hang out for a while, just take it easy.

Also make sure you have a raincoat. Freak rain storms can roll in very quickly.

Guest Low Roller

Good stuff. Keep it coming.

How about transportation? Should I rent a vehicle in Denver, or is there another way to get to the venue?


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