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Thanks Grateful Dave!


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I got my wonderful package of ground spicy organic peppers today--thank you so much! You rock!

Now, my question is this: How much do you put in stuff?

I notice one is "Medium Hot" and one is "Hot"--I've never dealt with ground peppers before, so I'm unaccustomed as to how to manage them.

For example, if I'm putting together a kickin' chili--how much do I put in? I don't want to kill anyone, nor do I want to skimp on the flavour.

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness...I can't wait to spice up the kitchen organically and spicilly (that can't be a word).



P.S. The packaging was perfectly intact--good job!

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thank you so much! You rock!

What she said - ours came in too. How are your lungs, Dave, btw? I'm thinking there must have been lots of habanero dust in the air while you were packing them, because just handling the ziplock got enough on my fingers to make me very conscious of having rubbed my eyes at some point afterwards (only the eyelids, thank God). Can't wait to do some proper cooking.

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Thanks so much GD! (Good karma in the bank for ya!)

We'll let you know how some of our first experiments turn out. If you do have the time to post a recipe (and/or caution) or two, that'd be swell.

Has anyone on here ever made hot pepper jelly? I'd like to try, since we go through those $5 jars of the stuff pretty quickly 'round here.

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thank you so much! You rock!

What she said - ours came in too. How are your lungs' date=' Dave, btw? I'm thinking there must have been lots of habanero dust in the air while you were packing them, because just handling the ziplock got enough on my fingers to make me very conscious of having rubbed my eyes at some point afterwards (only the eyelids, thank God). Can't wait to do some proper cooking.


From a PM w/Dave:

"Got some in my eye when i was grinding some 2 days ago. I thought I was goin blind!!"


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Terrible story along the same lines. I was hand-crushing chillies for a pasta sauce a few years ago at a family get together. I crushed a ton of them to avoid having to do it later, and then washed up. A bit later I was sitting down with my baby niece on my lap and she kinda bit my finger. Next thing you know her face turns bright red and she starts HOWLING. I gave my finger a taste and couldn't believe how hot it was. I felt so bad for the kid. Took me about 3 days to get the spice off my hands. Even washing my face in the shower burned.

Moral of the story: always wear gloves while crushing chillies!

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Next thing you know her face turns bright red and she starts HOWLING.

Had something similar with our youngest when she was 3, and grabbed a cheese string from the fridge that had been sitting in a little pool of spilled ultra-hot sauce. She managed to get it all over her face and in her eyes; it took hours to get it all off, because she couldn't be stopped from rubbing her eyes to wipe away the tears, and there's only so much restraint that's worth it with a kid that age. Brutal. We now keep hot sauces up out of the fridge.

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